Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [verb] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But there are national interests which may override even City interests , for a time , at any rate .
2 But so do many of the opposition groups here , entertaining a touching if economically illiterate faith in a third way which would involve neither reunification nor a return to capitalism .
3 For this reason you are not asked questions which would require only knowledge , as this would be solely a test of memory .
4 We believe that a Conservative Government , putting the provision of homes above the sanctity of unpractical doctrines , could stimulate a rate of building which would rise rapidly year by year .
5 ‘ Where a statutory provision on one interpretation brings about a startling and inequitable result , this may lead the court to seek another possible interpretation which will do better justice . ’
6 The Government 's detailed spending plans will be included in the first ‘ unified ’ budget next November , which will include both revenue and outgoings .
7 This override may even enable you to make full picture fades ; alternatively , you may have the facility of a separate fade button which will fade both picture and sound simultaneously .
8 Instead , councillors unanimously backed a substitute scheme which will use only townland names and the postcode .
9 Members of that club see private sector involvement in the community as an integral part of corporate life , which can improve both business itself and the relationship between business sector and the community as a whole .
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