Example sentences of "which [modal v] make the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from questions of naturalness , accuracy , and the ‘ logic ’ of a text , there are sometimes stylistic considerations which may make the translation of conjunctions particularly difficult .
2 There are two factors particularly which may make the aim of clarity of description difficult to achieve : the breadth of a criterion and ambiguity in its description .
3 This loneliness then tends to be misdiagnosed as depression and medications may be prescribed which may make the disease even worse .
4 You 'll just make the formula over-rich , which may make the baby dehydrated and , if you continue , overweight .
5 In short , it means that it becomes possible to impose almost any character you want on it , which should make the Standard a session player 's dream .
6 As for the game itself , Hare has a philosophy which might make the rest of us win .
7 As for the game itself , Hare has a philosophy which might make the rest of us win .
8 The main types of additives are preservatives , flavourings , colourings , stabilisers and emulsifiers ( which help maintain the consistency of the product and keep mixtures mixed ) , antioxidants ( which prevent chemical changes which might make the product rancid ) and humectants ( which stop food drying out ) .
9 All of which might make the future less bright for Sequent Computer Systems Inc , which currently provides the top-end 6000/75 and 85 multiprocessors for Unisys .
10 Also , the height of the head-dress proportionately lowered the position of the face which could make the drawing imbalanced and reduce the figure , thus losing the detail .
11 Mr Harrison has called for an urgent meeting with EC officials to restate the case for intervention funding which would make the yard more attractive to potential purchasers .
12 Neither side will concede the real ambiguity in the evidence , ambiguity which would make the believer uncomfortable in his or her faith , and the unbeliever open to doubt in his or her unwillingness to believe .
13 The occupational therapist 's main role is to assess the patient 's physical needs , and provide appropriate equipment to make daily life easier for both patient and carer , so that they do not expend unnecessary energy on functional tasks which would make the patient 's condition worse , and possibly harm the carer too .
14 Sieve them through the mouli having first strained off surplus liquid which would make the fool watery .
15 The CIA was concerned that early drafts included common equipment that exists in school labs , which would make the system both ridiculous and unworkable .
16 A list of benefits which would make the cost of whichever treatment you choose well worthwhile .
17 And as I said , I spoke to the supervisor , switchboard supervisor , Di Combes , when we were setting up the course , and asked her what sort of things she would like to put across at a course like this which would make the switchboard 's job easier .
18 It is not allowed to engage in securities trading or insurance , which would make the merger difficult as NMB is one of the leading options traders in the Netherlands .
19 This starts to look like a way of thinking which would make the task of school management part of the work of all teachers .
20 The Chairman of Aerospatiale , the French aerospace group , commented that the proposed merger ( together with that between Daimler Benz and Messerschmitt under consideration at the same time ) risked setting a trend towards diversified national groupings , which would make the task of creating a European aerospace industry , capable of competing with the US , more difficult .
21 In addition to classroom support Mrs says that Paul needs general support for three hours per evening in relation to his er social well being in his leisure activities three hours per evening for the four evenings a week which he spends at school , in relation to this I think it right to bear in mind Mr evidence about the school , being a special school of course has generous staffing levels , staffing levels which would make the mouth of any head teacher of any other school water I suspect .
22 These external pressures meant that he was writing " Little Gidding " quickly but mechanically ; the material was not properly seasoned and the first version of the poem lacked the presence of concealed private memories which would make the language cohere .
23 That is projects which will enable students and/or staff to develop their enterprise skills and which will make the University more responsive to the world of work .
24 This means that , if the tail of your model starts to swing towards the left , then the gyro must apply a correction which will make the tail move to the right .
25 Limestone , marble , and tufa are largely calcium carbonate which will make the water hard and alkaline , which would be fine for Rift Valley Cichlids , but not for community fish such as tetras , danios , gouramis etc .
26 Facilities which will make the NIA one of the foremost sporting venues in the world .
27 When you are in a situation where you have to clean up after your dog it is advisable to encourage it to defecate on a surface which will make the task easier .
28 Adding to IBM 's performance woes is that a demoralised workforce has clearly been freewheeling since John Akers announced in January that he was stepping aside , which will make the job of the new man at the top all the harder .
29 Even a relatively small additional sum of money can enable the purchase of additional equipment which will make the difference between being poorly and adequately resourced .
30 However , I must break that rule this morning and apologise for the fact that I have an extremely heavy cold , which will make the delivery of my speech a long process — and even longer for the House , which has to be detained in listening to it .
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