Example sentences of "which [modal v] [vb infin] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 As we have seen , such organisations tend to be dominated by formal rules and by committees which may lend themselves to the more autocratic style of leadership .
2 To the men and women who wait in its shadow with the ground rumbling under them and the volcanic ash hiding the sun , it is a terrifying reality which may drive them to the most desperate expedients .
3 This approach takes into consideration the person 's past history and current circumstances which may cause them to be especially susceptible to respond adversely to particular types of event .
4 It is probable that we are not yet aware of the extensive use made of the river system for bulk transport at that period , but there are indications which should alert us to it , such as the wharfage on the River Ver discovered in the 1954 — 7 excavation at the Park Street villa ( Saunders , 1963 , 118 — 123 ) .
5 Elisabeth Cook 's recent account of the ‘ Querelle des Bouffons ’ shows an extensive political dimension , which should alert us to the nature of associated rhetoric .
6 And if you do agree to them , but later have second thoughts , seek expert advice before doing anything which might expose you to legal action , or to the risk that the instalment payments will be stopped .
7 Some of these were to be offered as votives in the temple 's sanctuaries : others entered a trading network which might take them to the farthest ends of the island or overseas .
8 There 's something about this matter which could lead us to the gallows or on to the knife of some hired assassin .
9 We used to embrace the comfortable doctrine that the Roman cities of Britain survived as the shells of walled towns — with cathedrals often built within them in the seventh and eighth centuries , but little other semblance of civic life — until English towns were revived in the late ninth century by King Alfred , who enjoyed a vision of urban life which could owe nothing to the English civic scene in which he had been brought up .
10 There are two reasons : firstly , in the summer of 1990 major work started on the church which could restore it to something like its original form ; this would make it interesting , because pilgrim churches are rare .
11 Erm and certainly there are belts of woodland there which could screen it to a certain extent .
12 Others such as George Cadbury , who initiated Bournville Village in 1897 , and Joseph Rowntree who started New Earswick Village , York , in 1904 , experimented in creating model communities of houses built at prices which would enable them to be let at rents within the reach of working-class incomes .
13 In some other cultures , there may have been socially validated ways of defining reality and of acting which would enable them to be less socially isolated , and therefore less neurotic because less privatized .
14 He stated that the reform would challenge the insurgents to " compete under our constitutional system and free market of ideas which are guaranteed by the rule of law , " and called upon young insurgents , whose " courage " he specifically acknowledged , to " accept a peace with honour and justice " which would enable them to " rejoin the mainstream of Philippine society " .
15 The original recipients of Hilton 's text , however , as is clear from the very fact that he wrote for them in the vernacular , were not interested in comparative academic study , but in particular guidance which would enable them to fully integrate their religious faith in their lives .
16 The dates of composition of both Hocazade 's and Ali Tusi 's works on the seem to be unknown , and there does not appear to be any evidence which would enable one to date the foundation of Mehmed II's addition to the Uc Serefeli medrese .
17 Fifteen years later a man of 76 , thinking he would like to try satellite television , collected the requisite number of newspaper coupons which would entitle him to a 30-day trial of a satellite dish .
18 Fiat 's defence lawyers hailed the court 's move as a sensible conclusion which would leave it to the court of appeal to determine whether the four defendants should be tried in another city .
19 ITALY , Scotland 's World Cup rivals , must make do without gifted Juventus playmaker Roberto Baggio today when they seek a victory over Malta which would lift them to the top of the qualifying Group I.
20 Mr Fallon , said the Government had a proven track record which would carry it to victory .
21 To encourage them to go back , the US and Britain left behind a rapid-strike force , to be stationed just inside the Turkish border , which would sock it to Saddam if he dared resume anti-Kurd aggression .
22 There was little time left before his meeting with Merymose , so he did not return to his house , but took a circuitous route which would bring him to their rendezvous at the moment the sun touched the top of the western cliffs .
23 Faintly disappointed , she emptied her lungs and resumed the walk which would bring her to the main gate .
24 Entering St Jude 's Passage — her most direct approach to St Jude 's Square and the old market place which would lead her to Miss Dallam 's side of Frizingley — Cara was at once hemmed in by tall houses as sinister and insubstantial as shadows , tottering almost beneath a weight of sheer dilapidation and the load of displaced humanity they carried .
25 The police would channel traffic from Deal , Canterbury and Ramsgate by different routes which would lead them to their allotted car parks .
26 Long before the incriminating photograph turned up on Major Tzann 's desk , he would be over the Czech border and awaiting the transport which would convey him to Germany , and thence to the United States .
27 And then she walked to the cavalcade which would whisk her to her flight back to London .
28 Here the discussion paper proposed a very strict rule : the assessment was to be made by reference to the contractual maturity of the debt , and no consideration was to be given to facilities which would permit it to be re-financed .
29 Golfers , with bags of clubs over shoulders , boarded tramcars which would take them to many of the numerous golf-clubs in and around the city .
30 He was not the most welcoming of hosts , alarmed at the thought of what one thousand men and horses could do to his winter 's supplies and forage ; but at least he could tell them that a large mounted party had indeed passed this way two days previously and had turned off out of this main Yarrow valley southwards , to climb by Altrieve to the high pass of Tushielaw , which would take them to the Ettrick valley .
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