Example sentences of "which [modal v] [be] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 DisKeeper 1.3 — is a hard disk management utility which may be particularly for network administrators and those users with very large hard disks .
2 This is achieved by constructing a rectangular framework , usually of wood , which may be either of fixed dimensions or adjustable in size .
3 This process requires extremely pure syn-gas , which may be either from natural gas ( methane ) or the higher hydrocarbons ( naphtha ) .
4 This process requires extremely pure syn-gas , which may be either from natural gas ( methane ) or the higher hydro carbons ( naphtha ) .
5 The distinctive ‘ rattle ’ at the end of the tail is formed from modified scales and increases in size by one rattle section every time the snake moults its skin , which may be up to four times a year .
6 In Amazonia , taxonomically diverse groups of angiosperms grow on the carton nests of ants , forming arboreal ‘ antgardens ’ , which may be up to 1 metre across and 2 m long .
7 For one thing it is by no means easy to recognise an official curriculum and for another it is very easy to confuse a government 's policy , a process which is growing and evolving , with static written evidence which may be out of date and even recognised as such .
8 The pH level of a soil — the extremes of acidity or alkalinity — can actually prevent access to minerals which may be there in significant quantities : a high lime content , for example , denies or restricts a plant 's access to iron and manganese .
9 This will equal half the cost of the factory , which should be up to full production of body panels by the end of next year .
10 Advance tapes suggest that it 's leagues ahead of the rather dull ‘ Thaw ’ Housefrau superstar LYDIA LUNCH meanwhile has been recording with pathological monsters OXBOW for their LP ‘ King Of The Jews ’ , which should be out in January when they 're set to return to the UK for another series of dates .
11 Advance tapes suggest that it 's leagues ahead of the rather dull ‘ Thaw ’ Housefrau superstar LYDIA LUNCH meanwhile has been recording with pathological monsters OXBOW for their LP ‘ King Of The Jews ’ , which should be out in January when they 're set to return to the UK for another series of dates .
12 Recognising that the point will vary from one member of the profession to another , there are perhaps four questions which should be constantly in the worker 's mind :
13 The worksheets themselves are organized into Notebooks which contain 257 pages each ( which should be enough for most mortals ) .
14 Similarly , in Jefferson v Cape Insulation Ltd ( 3 December 1981 ) Farquharson J awarded substantial damages to a woman who knew she must soon die of mesothelioma for her evident distress in being parted from her family : per Farquharson J : I have also to bear in mind … that the major misery this woman is going to sustain is not the pain , serious and terrible as that is , but the prospect which must be continually in her mind of being parted from her family , and particularly her youngest child .
15 Judging from the photograph , Joseph Noel Paton 's Crimean War weepie ‘ Home ’ is one of the very few narrative pictures which might be up to the standard of this ideal exhibition .
16 Some of the landowning agencies that are most restrictive are those which might be though to be answerable to the public , or have their best interests at heart : the Forestry Commission , the Ministry of Defence and sometimes even the National Trust come to mind .
17 Liquidated damages are a genuine pre-estimate of the loss resulting from the breach , whereas a penalty , which might be out of all proportion to the loss suffered , will not be enforced by the courts .
18 Such caverns are available in Kent , Wiltshire , Cleveland , Humberside and Lincolnshire , The UKAEA 's report proposes that special trains with 10–12 wagons , each loaded with flasks containing drums of waste will travel on public railways between the Sellafield reprocessing plant and the waste dumps , which could be up to 400 km away .
19 The filter further added to the exposure time which could be up to 80 times that of a normal plate .
20 The filter further added to the exposure time which could be up to 80 times that of a normal plate .
21 Yet debt owed by customers , which could be up to 40 per cent of their assets , is so often left unprotected . ’
22 ‘ I mean , Miss Blake , that I have enough information already to go to the police , information which could be enough in itself to warrant the club being closed down . ’
23 That is one of the NI 's most famous phrases , which would be well worth updating and remembering every year .
24 It was to this latter end that Wilson 's journeyings were largely devoted , while the emphasis of his argument was that acceptance of the union 's position , far from creating a tyranny of trade unionism , would lead to greater discrimination in recruitment and to higher standards of seamanship and greater efficiency which would be greatly to the advantage of the shipowners themselves .
25 The road cuttings along Highway 70 in Arizona ( the " main road of America " , joining Chicago and Los Angeles ) show red and green marls and thin sandstones with layers of gypsum , all of which would be perfectly at home along the banks of the River Severn ( plate 1.6 ) .
26 This month I will also be embarrassed to allow my father-in-law , who is a Frenchman and a rugby enthusiast , to read a magazine that has again disgraced itself by using a humourless title such as ‘ Frog March ’ ( April 1992 page 20 ) which would be more at home in The Sun newspaper .
27 We shall be considering how new styles of relationship might be defined and generated ; relationships which would be more in tune with the increasingly influential changes in philosophy and policy , and which can support , in turn , the development of new professional attitudes and practices .
28 Labour Ministers were eager to press ahead with plans for the peace , and Dalton told the Commons that he looked forward to a full employment target which would be considerably below Beveridge 's 8 ½%; dge ly .
29 As though to prepare us for that vision , Rubin Spangle has devised a show of early Flavin works from the Sixties which will be on until the end of the month .
30 Labtam says 100% of Sun software will run on its boxes , which will be around in beta versions by September — with volume ships 90 days thereafter .
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