Example sentences of "which [be] [prep] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Despite their often middle-class origins , these uprooted opponents of Fidel Castro , who have never gained the support they anticipated would enable them to return in triumph to their native land , find consolation in the arms of the Santeria spirits , which are of partly African origin .
2 Erm it 'll it 'll be enquiries which are of very general interest , Mm erm which I should think you 're just as much of an expert as anybody else at answering .
3 Analysis has been limited to manufacturing , but similar trends were occurring in other sectors , and the process of concentration had features which are of more general significance .
4 How can paintings which are at once great and at the same time repellent earn their creator such a disproportionately large sum of money ?
5 Though Ismail Belig 's evidence is not perhaps the most reliable , the facts which he gives about the holders of the kadilik of Bursa in the period , facts which are at least consistent , if not necessarily accurate , indicate that Molla Yegan may indeed have left office a few years earlier than 844 : according to Ismail Belig , Yusuf Bali succeeded Molla Yegan in the kadilik in 842/1438–9 , himself being succeeded at the Sultan medrese by Molla Yegan 's son , Sah Mehmed ( or Mehmed Sah ) , who later also succeeded him as kadi in 846/1442–3 .
6 ‘ If [ the searcher ] is a lawyer , private publishers supply annually updated texts which are almost up to the minute when purchased and databases which are at least adequate .
7 While much remains to be explained about dreaming , a number of findings have been made which are by now uncontentious among scientists .
8 ‘ Almost all of the countries that replied to the questionnaire appeared to have legal rules which were at least adequate to permit the use of computer evidence and to permit the court to make the evaluation necessary to determine the proper weight to be given to the data ’ ( A/CN.9/265 , p.21 ) .
9 It is surmised therefore that such claims generally relate to Bf110s , which were of generally similar appearance .
10 While it freed him from a form of dependency — his succession to the LDP leadership had been achieved with the faction 's support — it also meant that the future of his premiership would depend on the skill with which he was able to balance the party 's competing factions — including his own — all of which were of roughly equal strength .
11 Since SRO 's are required to ensure that their rule books provide investors with protection which is at least adequate in comparison to that afforded by the SIB 's rules , the SRO 's will be obliged to adopt anti-insider dealing rules broadly similar to those of the SIB .
12 It is a reply which is at once deferential and contemptuous , self-effacing and arrogant .
13 For below it , muffled , pressed sometimes against the weight of a cloud which is at once soft and heavy , are phantoms .
14 The word " God " in all the theistic religions refers to that Mystery which is at once transcendent and immanent .
15 St. Clement Danes was an old-fashioned school which would have liked to have been more middle class than it was Unfortunately most of the kids came from the White City Estate which is about as working class as you can get
16 The ‘ plot ’ has him searching for the lost chord , which is about as banal as you can get , but the contributors look interesting George Harrison , Charlie Rich , Betty Wright , John Sebastian , Rufus Thomas and Billy Swan are among them .
17 Er in a competitive situation , the Rickmansworth tender w w w was a , a an example of that , we actually had a contract document which is about as thick and complicated as one of the contract documents that we would put out for civil engineering physical work to er er a contractor .
18 If a new factory creates a pollutant which is about as poisonous as , say , privet leaves , it may be heckled out of business .
19 Ninety per cent of fuel used in the developing world is wood , which is in increasingly short supply .
20 He has a cottage which is in not good enough condition to let , he ca n't afford to do it up , and it does n't quite qualify as decrepit .
21 My poor little blind garden , what 's left of it , just up over here , near the top gate — and — ’ she turned in the opposite direction ’ — down by the river , in the old primary school building , which is in fairly good nick , they 're setting up a field study centre , and strips of land for school gardens .
22 The great neo-classicist , Sir John Soane , for example , vehemently opposed the use of a pediment upon a building which was of neither sacred nor great civic importance .
23 But as we saw in that magnificent film The Cruel Sea ( recently re-shown on television ) it was even more nerve-wracking to serve in a slow moving ammunition ship or tanker , bearing a lethal cargo , than to man the depth charges and guns on a naval corvette , which was at least able to defend itself .
24 On 9 January 1905 the Assembly organized a monster demonstration to present the Winter Palace a petition which was at once humble and radical .
25 It was n't the French that threw me but the arty design which was about as easy to follow as the plot of Twin Peaks .
26 All they were interested in was striking deals to get hold of petrol , which was in very short supply .
27 And when they died and the fleas had finished feasting on their blood , which was by then putrid and crawling with the bacilli , the fleas looked round for another host , and if they could not find another rat , or any small hairy creature to their liking , they settled for the next best thing , which was usually human .
28 This study is based on the collection of ‘ life course ’ materials according to generational group in a Welsh community which was until recently dependent on the mining industry .
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