Example sentences of "which [pron] [was/were] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 My father travelled to Nairobi by way of Mega , Moyale , Marsabit , Laisamis and Nyeri , all places with which I was to be familiar some fifty-five years later .
2 She left elementary school at fourteen to take a job filling seed packets for five shillings a week ; later she worked for a draper and subsequently for the Co-op , where she joined the union movement of which she was to be a lifelong member .
3 She left Queen 's in 1850 and it was in that year that she founded the school of which she was to be head for forty years , the North London Collegiate School for Ladies , which opened in the Buss Camden Street house on 4 April 1850 with thirty-five pupils .
4 They argued about which one was to be used .
5 From being a comprehensive Weltanschauung , in which there were to be found , according to Gramsci , all the elements that are needed for the construction of a new ‘ integral civilization ’ , it has come to be regarded by many thinkers as a much more limited and tentative body of thought , which is far from being able to predict , in any detail or with any certainty , the future development of society , or to offer anything but the roughest of guides to political action .
6 The episode raises the question of whether she actually knew who Mapplethorpe was when she agreed to the V&A being used for an Aids fund-raising event , at which there was to be a slide show of the photographs in the book .
7 The Saturday Review in its now usual vein commented that although they were ‘ all men of various claims to distinction ’ , they hardly appeared competent to examine and assess the baffling array of entries with which they were to be confronted .
8 Winchester city councillor Major Dougie Covill requested that more pressure be put upon the county council to improve the footpaths and pavements which are in a very dangerous condition , and a Broad Street businessman wondered if residents were really aware of the changes going on in Broad Street , and the manner in which they were to be undertaken .
9 Testimony and documentary evidence would , they envisaged , be presented either to the forum court or obtained by Letter of Request in the foreign country in which they were to be found .
10 The surplus of 38 had to be considered because it was greater than the difference , 6 , between Trimble 525 , and Robinson , 519 , and might conceivably have affected the order in which they were to be eliminated .
11 The legislation was flawed not by the requirement of sanctions , claimed Bush , but by the rigid manner in which they were to be imposed , which would " harm US economic interests and provoke friendly countries who are essential to our efforts to resist Iraqi aggression " .
12 All were required to get official sanction for their enclosure and to provide evidence of the means by which they were to be physically provided for .
13 Summoning troops from the reserve would be easier if the formations in which they were to be deployed existed already .
14 Meese did in fact call while they were there , to set up an interview with North for the next day , Sunday : the interview in which he was to be confronted with the memorandum .
15 Tremayne lent me his Volvo to go to the boatyard in the morning , reminding me before I set off that it was the day of the awards dinner at which he was to be honoured .
16 He eventually managed to secure some work in the form of a commission from a surgeon with the Dutch East India Company at Mannheim , an amateur flautist , to compose ‘ three short , simple concertos and a couple of quartets for the flute ’ ( 10 December 1777 ) , for which he was to be paid 200 gulden .
17 Just before this , however , he won a scholarship to Balliol College Oxford , with which he was to be associated until his death .
18 General Hodge thus had the first of the many tempestuous scenes in which he was to be involved with Rhee over the next two years .
19 In 1888 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects , and also the Art Workers ' Guild , of which he was to be an enthusiastic and devoted member , and which provided his main circle of friends ; he was elected master of the guild for the year 1903 .
20 The autocracy undertook to guarantee full civil liberty , to give major legislative powers to the promised Assembly ( the State Duma ) , and to broaden greatly the franchise on which it was to be based .
21 If economic reform was the ‘ key to all our problems ’ at the outset of Gorbachev 's administration and political reform increasingly the means by which it was to be accomplished , the ultimate objective remained the achievement of a form of socialism which advanced decisively on those that had preceded it .
22 It was as if only she was not yet to be told which it was to be .
23 The demand management policies by which it was to be achieved seemed to offer a progressive alternative to socialism by providing the economic background which would allow measures of social betterment to be carried out without socialist control of the economy .
24 The plaintiffs obtained an injunction to restrain the defendants notwithstanding that the product in question ( a swizzle stick embossed with the name of the ship upon which it was to be used ) was available to anyone who happened to take a cruise on that ship .
25 In the years after the defeat of 1935 the Party formulated many of the policies on which it was to be returned in 1945 .
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