Example sentences of "which [verb] [noun pl] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well , I , I think I will ask the director of education to comment on that paragraph , because to a large degree , the , the district auditor 's report that he refers to there , in his section , matters previously raised , his report entitled rationalizing primary school education was published in December nineteen ninety- one , and it is being addressed through a , a working party of the education committee which involves representatives from the church as well as of the political groups .
2 The RC needle is simply a remote indication of the loop aerial which receives signals from the ground station .
3 At Bethlehem , New Hampshire , the highest village east of the Rockies , the Boston and Maine created a delightful , half-timbered chalet-style building with a great deal of space for the horse-drawn coaches and carriages which conveyed excursionists from the station .
4 In 1992 , the Board of the Scottish Council for Research in Education , which contains nominees from a wide range of Scottish bodies with an interest in education , agreed to consider priority areas for research and to prepare a brief paper each year .
5 Total of revised equipment spending for Type I telecommunications carriers ( those companies licensed by the Ministry to operate on designated frequencies , was $20,600m , while Type II carriers , which lease frequencies from the Type I carriers , invested $1,490m , an increase of 14% over 1991 .
6 The system was developed on a NEC EWS-4800 Unix workstation and uses a Dynamic Programming Neural Network , which incorporates features from a neural network and a Dynamic Programming matching method .
7 Another Surrealist inheritance which distances Situationists from the more radical utopians is their blanket condemnation of work .
8 Within each cluster there are some cells which receive inputs from the incoming nerves , some from which the outgoing nerves run , and others ( interneurons ) which connect inputs and outputs .
9 X-rays can detect only big tumours , and bronchoscopes — flexible fibre-optic cables which relay pictures from the inside of the lungs to the outside world — only see those that have spread far enough to wrinkle the lining of the lung .
10 It is unsurprising that the cinema should have sought legal parity with the theatre on questions of obscenity , which it did in a petition forwarded to the Home Secretary by the BBFC in 1977 on behalf of the Cinema Consultative Committee , which comprised delegates from the film industry and from all the associations of local licensing authorities in Great Britain and Northern Ireland .
11 The indigenous way of life was greatly undermined by the burden of yasak , which diverted men from the essential hunting pursuits that provided food , clothing and other necessities , to the trivial occupation of hunting and trapping sable , arctic fox , squirrels and other fur-bearing animals .
12 There is also a Senior Liaison Committee , which includes representatives from the three departments , and from the Police and the Justices ' Clerks , which meets twice a year under the chairmanship of the Director of Public Prosecutions .
13 As can be seen from Table 2 , which shows figures from the United Kingdom Family Expenditure Survey of 1986 , the apc has a marked tendency to fall as we move from lower to higher income groups ; also , the apc is greater than the mpc in every case .
14 Liverpool Children 's Holiday Organisation , which takes children from the poorest families on Merseyside for breaks in the countryside , needs £30,000 to avoid making cuts next year .
15 However , the entry in the article which raised ghosts from the past was the section of Washington write-offs , in particular the entry concerning WF-495 that crashed in the sea on its way to the USA .
16 The French team was a scratch combination which included players from the Albion Cricket Club , a sporting club for expatriates living in Paris which still flourishes two years after its centenary .
17 An entertaining feature of the display programme — which included items from the National Display Team , the Surrey Teens Team and the Kent Team — was the local Horley class 's ‘ strip-tease ’ item .
18 The decision was confirmed on 16 October at an expanded meeting which included representatives from the Petrograd city committee and other regional bodies .
19 And one of Arrow 's pilots , Jacobo Bolivar , was one of the three principals of Sur International , the company which flew weapons from the US to Iran for Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver North in 1985 .
20 Finer papers are made by chemical processing which removes impurities from the pulp .
21 Also in their Focus On Queens brochure , which chronicles achievements from the campus , is high-flyer graduate Anne-Marie Ward of Belfast .
22 Now a formula has been worked out which enable sausage-makers from the province to take part in this prestigious contest .
23 The most basic instruction is the move , which copies characters from a source field to a destination , until a character with the word mark bit set is encountered in one of the two fields .
24 It is a nonsense song which asks responses from the audience .
25 At this period the magazine still reviewed jazz records , and Alun Morgan considered a Verve issue which contained recordings from a 1946 concert given in Carnegie Hall by Woody Herman and his Orchestra .
26 The Builder had an editorial on 19th February which contained extracts from a letter from Scott reasserting that his design was better lit , as convenient and no more expensive than a classical design , and it commented that Scott 's opponents did not understand that he was not intending to reproduce old forms rigidly and he was only willing to introduce ‘ the refinements and inventions of our own day ’ .
27 In 1978 he delivered a lecture at the London University Institute of Education , accompanied by his photographs of the magnificent finds in the tombs , which brought gasps from the audience .
28 He acquired a stake in a small lighting business which bought candles from the Wandsworth factory .
29 Within the brain it is usually only 1 mm or less , but the cell bodies of the neurons that bring information to the brain from the skin lie close to the spinal cord , so in a whale or dinosaur the dendrites could be 10,000 mm long , and this also applies to the axons of the motor fibres , which carry commands from the spinal cord telling the muscles to contract .
30 Extraterritorial privileges , which removed Europeans from the operation of the local judiciary , existed in Japan , China and parts of the Ottoman Empire .
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