Example sentences of "or if they [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They just need a little help like with feeding or or if they throw a tantrum
2 There was here some enquiry and the that enquiry as a matter of public policy I understand the documents are n't to be available , even if they assist the police , or if they assist the other side .
3 If there is doubt about the cause of death — if , for example , the death was sudden and the doctor had not seen the person within fourteen days of death , or if they had no general practitioner , the coroner must be informed , and will decide whether it is necessary to hold a post mortem .
4 Patients were excluded from the study if they were pregnant or lactating , if they were expecting to undergo surgery , or if they had a history of concurrent gastric ulceration , renal insufficiency , alcoholism ( pure ethanol intake greater than 100 ml/day ( women ) or 120 ml/day ( men ) , or behaviour consistent with alcohol abuse ) , drug abuse , or language difficulties .
5 It concluded that no one knew what was in the dumps or if they had the capacity to meet future needs .
6 Understandably , it has appealed to teachers reacting against older traditional methods , particularly if these divorced learning to read from any kind of true reading experience , or if they involved the use of books containing as many older schemes did — unnatural and stilted language which prevented children from using the linguistic knowledge they already had .
7 I do n't really know what they think , or if they think , or if they give a shit about any of it in any case .
8 Erm nobody 's gon na mug a person if they see us coming , or if they see a bobby coming .
9 Well , if they 'd like to come at the fire station with their money today , barring fire calls , when we 'll be out of course , or if they see the fire engine driving round Didcot and it has n't got its blue lights on and they want to flag us down , they 're more than welcome to .
10 It is still not clear whether the approximately 250 people still listed as missing include those whom ex-detainees say were still alive in May , or if they include the names of those last seen in 1984 or 1986 .
11 So the treatment is double nappy if it 's not a very er serious one or if they notice a click just after delivery they would immediately put the baby in double nappies .
12 Holden calls someone a ‘ phoney ’ if they behave in a superficial way , or if they value the wrong things , for example money and beauty , and are hypocritical in order to be accepted in society .
13 But by the time of Charlemagne the majority of warriors were on horseback , though it is not clear if they actually fought from horseback or if they used the horses simply as rapid transport for traditional Frankish foot soldiers .
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