Example sentences of "or [vb base] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An option may give the holder either the right to buy or sell a share at a predetermined price from or to the issuer of the option , which is another individual rather than the firm underlying the security .
2 Are the Government prepared to exercise their right , as the holders of that share , to ensure that British Steel agrees to implement its promise that it would either stay at Ravenscraig or sell the plant to somebody else ?
3 This additional property , Minsky believes , could have a functional or evolutionary explanation , of the sort suggested for the property of modularity itself by Simon , in that the ‘ conscious ’ supreme organizing module would ipso facto be in a position to ‘ debug ’ or repair the connections of the lower modules amongst themselves or to itself .
4 Among positive rights , we should include the rights : to have all one 's experience and knowledge assessed in the admissions process ; to determine the subjects studied ; to have a legitimate measure of control over the pace and the methods of study ; to be able to follow a particular academic interest , or develop a point of view of one 's own ; to be examined in ways which do justice to the student 's achievements ; and to be credited with those parts of a course which have been passed successfully ( should the student wish or need to move to another institution , or to take a break in the programme of study ) .
5 Thus , if you add or change a letter in an italicised word the alteration will also be italicised .
6 Key , or strategic , decisions set or change the direction of an organisation .
7 In partnerships at levels one and two , the parent body may pull the plug or change the terms of reference because the partnership activity is not essential to the main business of the company .
8 If you wist to alter the car struturally , eg raise the roof to take a seated wheelchair passenger or change the doors to ramps , you would have to obtain a car through Car Chair , Gowrings or Widnes Car Centre Ltd , or buy the car on hire purchase .
9 The sender has the right to stop the goods in transit or change the place of delivery .
10 If B is threatened with a tort it is , of course , equally true that he may bring an action for damages if the tort is committed or bring an action for a quia timet injunction first , but , especially where the threat is of violence , it is perhaps less realistic to say that these legal remedies afford him adequate protection against the consequences of resistance .
11 The Great War and those more recent conflicts were put together and ‘ paid-for ’ on behalf of politicians who could not make up their minds or bring the problems to the debating-table ; who preferred the shouting and smearing , the innuendo and hate for their opponents ' parties , to the welfare and the good of their people .
12 Each outside sale must have the agreement of the local NACAB area office to ensure that the purchaser will not harm any local CAB or bring the service into disrepute by poor use of the information .
13 ( The intolerable thick end of the wedge , it was wildly imagined , might prevent the owner of Thomas Gainsborough 's Blue Boy sending it abroad , or mean the owner of a line of fine trees being stopped from felling them .
14 Every day about noon [ the monarch ] sits upon his throne , with some of his sons at his right and left , while the eunuchs who stand about the royal person flap away the flies with peacock tails or agitate the air with large fans …
15 The meetings of the new shareholders of History plc may well be stormy ; some indeed may wish to wind up the company or favour a merger with other subject areas to preserve its share of a declining pupil market .
16 This menu allows you to move , minimise to an icon or maximise the window to full screen .
17 Then the stable could be either beyond the cow-house or adjoin the barn on the other side .
18 It 's suggested that you should linger on the great avenues and squares in the morning and afternoon , to see the swarms of officials and experts who administer the universe hurrying to and from their offices ; or sit a while in the shady walks of the various public gardens , and watch these same officials ' wives proudly taking the baby out for an airing .
19 Thus in a beehive the worker bees , depending on their age , will either feed the young , stand guard and repel strangers , forage for food or ventilate the hive by beating their wings .
20 Anyone who would like to find out more about the appeal or make a pledge to the funds should contact : The Darlington Day Care Centre Appeal , c/o Farmway Ltd , King Street , Darlington .
21 Cultivate sculptural houseplants or make a feature of ferns , says Carol Kurrein , to produce your own home-grown works of art
22 You may be fortunate enough to benefit from an inheritance , or make a profit from the sale of a house or some other valuable asset .
23 All employers , except for very small businesses , will be obliged to invest a minimum amount on training their workforce or make a contribution to the local or national training effort .
24 If he needed to gain a lot of altitude , or make a run for it , that figure could be more than halved .
25 Or make a film about it .
26 Gently place the eggs in the water , set the egg-timer or make a note of the time , and cook from 3–4½ min. , according to taste .
27 The same applies if you hold shares or make a loan to a friend or relative .
28 Sort out any matters that are bothering you , or make a list of people to phone or write to , shopping to be done , etc. next day .
29 But Wilson was afraid to and advanced instead towards the bed , thinking to offer a drink or make a compress for her forehead .
30 I make no apology or make no bones about being partisan .
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