Example sentences of "or [vb pp] in some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 the task can be systematized or programmed in some way so that others can carry out the routines strictly to your requirements , thus reoccurring items are frequently delegated without undue risks being incurred
2 With the partial exception of the two decades which followed the Treaty of Utrecht ( and even then there were probably never less than half a million men under arms in Europe ) there was scarcely a year in the century during which a large-scale struggle was not either raging or threatened in some part of the continent .
3 Some fungi , bacteria and viruses are likely to be present in most ponds and aquaria , but that these do not cause problems until fish are injured or weakened in some way .
4 This behaviour , observed by many owners when their pets have been chastised or corrected in some way , is usually referred to as a dignified sulk .
5 The regulating authority determines the total amount of emissions to be allowed in an area and then issues the equivalent number of permits or rights to pollute , which can then be marketed , auctioned or allocated in some way .
6 It may also include instructions to observe particularly unusual sources ; to repeat collection of data that have been lost or spoilt in some way ; or to take corrective actions based on data already received .
7 The issue caused some friction after the French emergency legislation on August 19 , in the wake of the hospital waste disposal scandal [ see preceding story in this issue ] , banning all waste imports except for waste that was incinerated , composted or recycled in some way .
8 A copyright owner can , of course , grant permission or issue a licence or contract for a work to be copied or reproduced in some way , either in part of whole .
9 The auditors ' remuneration must be fixed or determined in some way by the company in general meeting .
10 If it is denied or suppressed in some way , it will become a recurring experience , or it will convert itself into some other disorder of the body , emotion or behaviour .
11 In trying to determine the effect of , say , a new teaching style on academic attainment , factors extraneous to this relationship but which might have a bearing on attainment , need to be excluded or controlled in some fashion in order to assess the effect of teaching style .
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