Example sentences of "or [Wh det] [pers pn] be [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Whoever or whatever they are they 're associating with this man and if they do n't know what he does then they should .
2 Excuses not to do the work we think we might or should do , excuses not to be kind or considerate or whatever it is we feel we should be ?
3 But having done it , having completed the half a day or whatever it is we have , you know it 's not really a case of saying Right well that 's it .
4 It seems that this Andrée woman was the star turn there , won all the prizes , played all the parts , set the fashion or whatever it is they look up to at those girl schools , you should know . ’
5 Like getting a wage packet again , instead of voting myself a salary as my own director or whatever it is they make me do . ’
6 He used it as a chemical store once it had been deconsecrated or whatever it is they do to unused churches .
7 ‘ Maybe next time Ellis will find me an undercover job that takes me to opium dens in Hong Kong , dusky maidens in Peru and shark-fishing amongst the coral reefs , or whatever it is they do there . ’
8 Humans 'll come back and mend the wheels or whatever it is they do . ’
9 So the builders have gone , and all the old biddies turn up in their Sunday best to say their Hail Marys , or whatever it is they do .
10 Or compute , or whatever it is you do . ’
11 Go and buy some curtains or whatever it is you want . "
12 from tapes or whatever it is you hold on .
13 You 're wasted as a carpenter , or whatever it is you like to call yourself .
14 ‘ Forgive my asking , ’ she added , ‘ But are n't you wearing rather impractical gear for grubbing around in the earth or whatever it is you do ? ’
15 Now shut your eyes or whatever it is you do . ’
16 So the dream becomes a symbolic expression of this conflict and what very often happens is the there 's a kind of compromise in which you go off and look for the bathroom or the drink of water or whatever it is you want , but the dream keeps postponing you finding it , in order to lengthen the dream and the state of sleep , so you go on sleeping for a bit longer .
17 Or whatever it is you know .
18 Or whatever it is I 'm trying to configure .
19 I perhaps have worked out , I need a clerical assistant and so forth , I might need a small van to actually take my widget on a Friday , to Widget , or Big Widget factory , or whatever it is I do with these widgets .
20 ‘ He 'll be busy , ’ said Robert , ‘ studying briefs , or whatever it is he does . ’
21 performer transposer or whatever it 's I do n't want to limit myself to just saying , I 'm a teacher other things as well .
22 ‘ Jehovah was wont to scare the pants off the Israelites — or whatever it was they girded up their loins with . ’
23 Most everybody in the house had gone to work , or whatever it was they did during daylight , and as I was only two feet away I reached over and slipped the lock , taking the phone receiver with me .
24 And they they seemed very determined er you know if if you do n't I think you 'd better er put the the box there and within twenty four forty eight hours or whatever it was we had the box in Quix you know .
25 " No , I do n't think we should pay too much attention to Regiomontanus or Johann Müller , or whatever it was he called himself , " laughed the priest , " even if he did manage to forecast a comet or two . "
26 It came back , like a pain , temporarily dulled by drugs , in the terrible early hours in Emily 's bed where he lay , awake and fretful , scourged by his conscience or his sense of preservation , or whatever it was he had so recklessly ignored , tensed for another screaming fit and wondering how he would explain to Brenda that it was n't his fault .
27 The offence was grievous and innocent , I drove the wrong way round a roundabout , which sounds appalling but there was not a single other car in sight to , in a sense to steer by so to speak , erm but there was one policeman , and he stopped me , and he fined me , and I had to search for my purse , which I had well hidden , this being Italy , erm underneath all the bedding and the tents and the cooking pots , found it in due course , presented him very shakily with these thousand lire or whatever it was he wanted , and , and this is really the point , drove off very shakily too .
28 He said : ‘ The delivery came very quickly and so suddenly Mrs Busuttil 's recollection is the baby just fell out onto the table or whatever it was she was lying on . ’
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