Example sentences of "or [pron] is [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For the advertiser who is concerned as to whether he or she is getting a good deal from an agency or media specialist , companies such as Media Audits provide a service that compares the buying performance of different advertisers and their agencies in similar markets and media .
2 But , at the end of the day , it is still down to the individual to make sure that he or she is getting the best deal possible .
3 you 're visiting a War or MOD Disablement Pensioner who is being treated for the disablement he or she is getting the pension for or
4 Other patients who have the same unconscious impulses to engage in oral sex — for example , an adult male or female who is married and dreams he or she is sucking a man 's penis and imbibing the semen — may deny the impulses .
5 Make sure that the baby 's body is facing the breast and that he or she is taking the whole nipple to fill its mouth .
6 Since 1979 , the Government has taken three measures to lower the replacement ratio — that is , to increase the gap between a person 's income when in work compared with when he or she is drawing the dole .
7 The trainee feels that he or she is flying a real aircraft , and can see the view from the cockpit just as if ( s ) he were actually approaching the runway at a particular airport .
8 The telling of atrocity stories is therefore a highly structured occasion which reveals little about the teller other than that he or she is performing a ritual for a contextually specific purpose .
9 The kind of information which a long-term participant observer receives must be treated with the greatest circumspection , for it depends ultimately not on whether he or she is carrying a tape-recorder , but on the degree of trust , mutual confiding and general affinity which has developed between researcher and subjects .
10 If the runner can be told exactly why he or she is doing a particular type of training , what bodily changes it will bring about and how he or she should run to achieve them , then those 15 minutes a day of quality training are more than enough .
11 He or she is doing a certain thing and we interpret it in a certain way which elicits a given emotion .
12 This kind of drama for practice in expressing and communicating emotions is far removed from the functioning behaviour required in the game of drama , where the participants ' concentration is not on whether he or she is signalling an emotion but with getting on with solving whatever problem is to hand .
13 ‘ This Brigadier Harris or whoever is bringing the guns at lunchtime . ’
14 Obviously you should check with the receptionist or whoever is organizing the candidates that you are not going to miss your turn if you are out for a while .
15 So erm , it it 's important to remember that Freud 's theory explains both of these tendencies and both the tendency for the group to make people better than they might normally be , but also that the tendency for the group perhaps to make them worse and of course either can happen and presumably a lot depends on the , on the leader , the leader or whoever is playing the , the leadership function presumably has erm some responsibility for this .
16 If I can find whoever the senior organizer is for each conference , or whoever is doing the introductory talk ,
17 I believe that those sexual practices which fail to recognise the essential humanity of other people are bad ; the man who rapes an unwilling partner , the individual who takes delight in the infliction of pain upon a partner who does not desire it , or the one who forces another into any sexual practice which is obnoxious to him or her is using the " partner " as an object rather than interacting with him or her as a human being .
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