Example sentences of "we must [vb infin] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We must assume that in 280 B.C. Cineas spoke Greek in the Roman Senate and was translated by an interpreter ( Plut .
2 What we must do because of this horrific and terrible example — I use those words deliberately — is put the law right .
3 In reality , such a debate misses the point of the parallelism : the question is not whether , taken in isolation , B is more precise than A , but whether " king of Moab " in B adds any precisions to what we already have in A. unquestionably it does ; however , we must admit that in the case of " Aram " II " the Eastern Hills " we can not say that B adds precision to A ( unless perhaps the poet knows something that we do not ) .
4 Note : If we are to complete the list of known domestic creatures to which Gustave played host , we must record that in October 1842 he suffered an infestation of crab-lice .
5 Broadly , we must agree that in so far as education is failing , it is in its failure to provide some children , too many , with the means to lead a satisfactory life when they leave school .
6 For instance , we could add the words we must accept that in front of ( 14 ) , or the phrase by AD 1550 after ( 15 ) .
7 Indeed , we must suspect that under the interests theory the criterion of personal responsibility is no more than a function of social policy : the more highly the interest is regarded , the closer we are drawn towards unlimited personal responsibility .
8 That said , we must note that in common with so many other innovators , Durkheim 's insights can also be found to some extent in the works of others .
9 Looking back to the opening statement of the first article last month , we must remember that in the main we are thinking about these designs as decoration rather than as pure picture-making .
10 We must remember that in 1600 , when Galileo was at Padua , the Inquisition had burned Giordano Bruno to death for daring to say that he did not believe in transubstantiation of bread into body and wine into the blood of Christ at the Eucharist .
11 This is not a very palatable view : each of us likes to think that we are ‘ some-body special ’ — which is why each of us accepts intellectually that someday we must die but at a gut level believes that , in our own case , God , Fate or whatever will make an exception .
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