Example sentences of "we should not [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Does he further agree that , at this critical time of ordering , building and commissioning that submarine fleet , we should not pay attention to the recommendations of the two main Opposition parties , whose opinion appears to vary , not merely from day to day , but from hour to hour ?
2 We should not ban Voltaire 's Candide , Tom Paine 's Age of Reason , Bertrand Russell 's Why I am not a Christian , Scorsese 's The Last Temptation of Christ , or Monty Python 's The Life of Brian .
3 Editor , — J R F Gladman makes the reasonable point , following my observations in West Cumbria , that we should not underestimate asthma in elderly people .
4 But there is no reason why we should not tell stories of English boys who leave the village and make good in the city — why rural drama should not be found and filmed among the mountains of Wales and moors of Yorkshire .
5 The new philosophy said that we should not make value judgements : you ca n't think in an Aristotelian way ; no value judgements , no good and bad .
6 Nor that we should not form opinions or make evaluations .
7 But it can be argued that we should not view rights in this way , and that when their use has adverse effects on third parties , rights should not be treated as signifying a moral entitlement in the right-holder to bring about those effects .
8 The ‘ meaning ’ of the symbols in any information technology is arbitrary , and there is no reason why we should not assign combinations , say triplets , from DNA 's 4-letter alphabet , to letters of our own 26-letter alphabet ( there would be room for all the upper and lower-case letters with 12 punctuation characters ) .
9 We should not grant recognition to the Baltic states or any other So Soviet Republics unless they guarantee human rights ?
10 Adam Smith 's famous dictum that we should not subsidise grape production in Scotland , does not extend to subsidising wine imports at the expense of the ‘ wine of the country ’ .
11 Given those characteristics we should not expect BBC and ITV viewers to be influenced in different ways .
12 The imagination must be fed ; we should not expect children to go on drawing from imagination or memory without directing his attention to the things he does and sees , and tries to imagine .
13 We should not ignore collectivism , however , because it is so often used by the state in Japan to mobilize the support of those who have not benefited as much from the economic miracle , or by company leaders to exhort yet more effort from employees .
14 The concern of civil libertarians , that we should not do things to or about old people which run counter to their wishes , is entirely legitimate .
15 ‘ We had a band chat and for ages we were saying we should not do merchandising at all , because it is a sign that you are a really big band and that you are trying to cash in .
16 We should not seek immortality in reproduction .
17 Ideally , we should not need others to point this out to us , but be alert to our own capabilities and ready to use them in another context .
18 And , besides , we should not bore Miss Russell with the business of the vignoble .
19 The Old Age religions teach that we should not have desires , that we should simply accept whatever happens as God 's will .
20 ‘ I simply meant that we should not have fish so unfailingly , on a regular day of the week , in future . ’
21 I said at the time that it was rather important from the point of view of the economy that we should not have wage increases which we could not afford .
22 ‘ I see no reason why we should not have E-mail linking 80 per cent of Group computer users worldwide within 18 months . ’
23 The lesson is that we should not judge people by their reputation , without knowing a great deal more about them .
24 We should not allow John Smith and his hitmen to take it from us .
25 Even the rules of social politeness , which suggest that we should not burden others with our problems , will lead us all to respond to enquiries after our health with an automatic ‘ Very well , thank you ’ when often we may be feeling poorly or even downright miserable .
26 However , we should not get conflict and defensive behaviour out of perspective .
27 While it is right , and of some urgency , to look at the global environment and to be involved in discussions regarding pollution of our oceans , the greenhouse effect , the destruction of rain forests in South America and so on , we should not lose sight of what is primarily the concern of the individual : that is , the local environment .
28 It may cause damage to a part of the person but we should not lose sight of the whole person if we wish to understand what is going on .
29 In our enthusiasm for flying we should not lose sight of the fact that it is a voluntary occupation and therefore subject to the normal law of supply and demand .
30 We move on now to aspects of teaching of more particular concern to the language teacher , but as we do so we should not lose sight of the more general educational context .
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