Example sentences of "we should [adv] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We should thus expect resistance from workers to attempts by management to wrest control from them , and the historical evidence for this is now forthcoming .
2 We should also pay tribute to the Dutch presidency .
3 Does my hon. Friend agree that we should also pay tribute to Friends of the Earth which , when I was a Minister at the Department of Transport , suggested that it would be sensible for the Minister with responsibility for roads to go to the Netherlands with some civil servants to see how traffic calming works there .
4 ‘ I think we should also make love as soon as possible , ’ he murmured , as his kisses deepened and their breathing began to quicken .
5 Interestingly , he adds : ‘ We should also consider art from other cultures .
6 We 've already paid the ordinary renewal fee , but do you think we should also have libel slander and officials indemnity ?
7 While the portrayal of disability issues in the arts arena should be viewed with the same critical eye as the presentation of issues in the political arena , we should also take care not to underestimate the role of the arts in assisting the processes of change .
8 Does he further agree that , at this critical time of ordering , building and commissioning that submarine fleet , we should not pay attention to the recommendations of the two main Opposition parties , whose opinion appears to vary , not merely from day to day , but from hour to hour ?
9 Editor , — J R F Gladman makes the reasonable point , following my observations in West Cumbria , that we should not underestimate asthma in elderly people .
10 The new philosophy said that we should not make value judgements : you ca n't think in an Aristotelian way ; no value judgements , no good and bad .
11 We should not grant recognition to the Baltic states or any other So Soviet Republics unless they guarantee human rights ?
12 Adam Smith 's famous dictum that we should not subsidise grape production in Scotland , does not extend to subsidising wine imports at the expense of the ‘ wine of the country ’ .
13 We should not ignore collectivism , however , because it is so often used by the state in Japan to mobilize the support of those who have not benefited as much from the economic miracle , or by company leaders to exhort yet more effort from employees .
14 ‘ We had a band chat and for ages we were saying we should not do merchandising at all , because it is a sign that you are a really big band and that you are trying to cash in .
15 We should not seek immortality in reproduction .
16 I said at the time that it was rather important from the point of view of the economy that we should not have wage increases which we could not afford .
17 ‘ I see no reason why we should not have E-mail linking 80 per cent of Group computer users worldwide within 18 months . ’
18 However , we should not get conflict and defensive behaviour out of perspective .
19 While it is right , and of some urgency , to look at the global environment and to be involved in discussions regarding pollution of our oceans , the greenhouse effect , the destruction of rain forests in South America and so on , we should not lose sight of what is primarily the concern of the individual : that is , the local environment .
20 It may cause damage to a part of the person but we should not lose sight of the whole person if we wish to understand what is going on .
21 In our enthusiasm for flying we should not lose sight of the fact that it is a voluntary occupation and therefore subject to the normal law of supply and demand .
22 We move on now to aspects of teaching of more particular concern to the language teacher , but as we do so we should not lose sight of the more general educational context .
23 Whilst we can not change the world , we should not lose sight of the fact that we can change someone 's world .
24 Nevertheless , we should not lose sight of the fact that even such relatively immature communicators in terms of message evaluation — as the seven-year-olds are able to progress with a substantial degree of success given the opportunity to use their negotiating powers .
25 However , we should not lose sight of the fact that there is some light at the end of the runnel .
26 I think this argument 's about the benefit of the countryside is somewhat debatable to say the least And these arguments that are put about why we should n't ban fox hunts because of all the benefits and the tradition are exactly the same arguments that were put about otters and about badgers and about other sports that we have , that we no longer consider satisfactory and have opposed .
27 We should n't waste time , ’ Lucy said .
28 I wonder who first decided that we should n't eat mustard with lamb ?
29 This , it turned out , was ‘ that we should n't have intercourse until we 're engaged ’ .
30 On and on he droned about how we should n't fear death but welcome the joys of heaven , so I picked up my two horse pistols and gave the sod both barrels .
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