Example sentences of "we can say [be] that " in BNC.

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1 All we can say is that the burden of the wood adds further poignancy to an already heart-rending story , and throughout the journey acts as an all too visible reminder to Abraham of the act he is about to commit .
2 The most we can say is that if there are still economies of scale unexploited , the industry is a natural monopoly .
3 All we can say is that assurances were given , and that for a short time they were accepted as having been given in good faith ; but they were not honoured .
4 But what we can say is that we can select out from the group of solid tumours the ones that do badly .
5 Yes I mean in a sense that just sort of shows that a lot of people would agree with Lakehoff in the sense that they think that women use a lot of tag questions and have that speech style , erm I mean like we 've been able to see , and what we can say is that men and women 's language is different er and it 's even possible to say in what way it 's different , but the difficulty becomes when we actually want to say why those differences are .
6 We possess no worked example to illustrate how genes control behaviour ; all we can say is that , in abstract terms , proteins influence the development of neurons , and that genes must by this means influence the development of the nervous system .
7 All we can say is that each theme demands its own particular treatment , and that however much change is introduced there should be a convincing sense of unity .
8 But what we can say is that there is a length of 306 characters in cows , which is virtually identical to a length of 306 characters in peas .
9 All we can say is that girls do as well as boys at the mathematical skills which primary teachers value , such as computation , but that the APU surveys , and the analysis of other researchers such as Hilary Shuard ( 1986 ) , have picked up differences in the performance of girls and boys which mathematics educators regard as significant .
10 All we can say is that ceteris paribus we should expect consequences of these kinds and then look at specific developments which would seem to illustrate the possibilities .
11 What we can say is that the landscape and the resources are already there as background noise and it will be people who decide on the importance of the new material and how , or even if , it is used .
12 What we can say is that where pollution control has been attempted it has usually taken a crude and simple form .
13 So in that case all we can say is that the link was between Nick
14 And I think all we can say is that we ca n't be sure that that is n't the case .
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