Example sentences of "we can [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Here we can mention only a few events which led to major therapeutic developments , and pass by much else which gave the clues and spurs for progress .
2 So we can distinguish then a third state in w which we can call an inactivated state and which will leave the channel closed , but also unable to respond as it would be able to do if it resided in a simple closed in a simple closed state which were responsive to gating .
3 Without using any technical transcription system ( the convention .hhh simply means a sharply indrawn breath ) we can capture quite a lot of detail : goin' instead of going , ‘ old instead of hold , ai n't instead of am not all indicate a dialect other than that of standard English .
4 Out of this maelstrom we can select only a few thinkers and those ideas which stand out in retrospect as marking out the major developments and as setting the scene for more recent times .
5 The Archbishop of Canterbury 's report on urban priority areas ( UPAs ) comes to much the same conclusion as the inner area studies and the Scarman Report : ‘ We can put forward a confident and melancholy generalisation — that the UPAs are places of severe and increasing deprivation .
6 Our buying power with major hotel chains means that we can put together an excellent package , complete with rail and coach fares , and we also look after all the administration of the holiday .
7 But in the novel we can know people perfectly , and , apart from the general pleasure of reading , we can find here a compensation for their dimness in life .
8 We can see here a process that Becker et al.
9 However , we can see here an example of how children may be exposed at a very early age to purposeful code-switching behaviour .
10 Now it 's quite likely that next time I come we can spend quite a bit of time doing this same thing again yeah cos there 's a lot in it there 's angles using a protractor adding things up to check they come to the total that the angles come to three sixty and there 's this thing about fractions there 's cancelling fractions and then there 's working with quite big numbers three hundred and sixty what 's two fifteenths of three hundred and sixty mm that 's quite hard .
11 ‘ We — my brother and myself — because we are bankers , and very cautious , old-fashioned bankers — and also not young — we can have only a little answer .
12 So that 's what we do , it 's got to be recognise that as a , as a strength and a weakness in what we do , we can get quite a lot out of this club today .
13 Each of us can have only a tiny impact on creating a kinder , finer world .
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