Example sentences of "we have [vb pp] each [noun] " in BNC.

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1 actually no that was the night she was really pissed off because erm people were paying more attention to me than they were to her , I do n't know why , it 's because I decide that I 'm gon na be really outgoing and I really do and I was really loud and really boisterous and she 's quite resigned like that and she thought I sh bit shagged off with me and then like I was doing , there was this really good looking bloke and he was like we , we 'd given each other eyes over the bar in this pub and Lottie goes well if you do n't hurry up with him I 'm gon na go and have him , if you do n't hurry up , you know , and just like marched over I said Charlotte give me a break
2 I do n't see them very often but when we meet it 's as though we 'd seen each other yesterday .
3 We 'd known each other a long time .
4 ‘ I should explain that Matt and I were not lovers in the accepted sense ; we were friends — good friends , we 'd known each other from childhood so we had a lot in common .
5 And now I had a lovely fellow I 'd grown up with in the same village , the same sort of background , we 'd known each other since we were eleven , twelve ,
6 We 've accepted each other for what we are . ’
7 We 've bailed each other out and bolstered each other up , we know without asking , so it would have been pointless trying to hide it from her when I first discovered the lumps eighteen months ago .
8 I mean , we 've known each other since we was girl and boy , and we seem to hit it all right , do n't we ? ’
9 We 've known each other all our lives — our parents even went to college together .
10 We 've known each other since we were infants , but she does n't have that kind of feeling for me . "
11 We 've known each other a long time .
12 We 've known each other for a long time . ’
13 We 've known each other a long time .
14 We 're growing familiar , like we 've known each other a long time .
15 We 've known each other such a short time , but I feel I know you better than anyone .
16 We 've known each other since childhood , after all , so it would be convenient , and make good sense .
17 We 've known each other most of our lives and we were at school together , so we 've no secrets . ’
18 We 've known each other for two years . ’
19 Could n't we just leave things as they are — enjoy the fact that we 've found each other ? ’
20 Once this had been achieved , and we had given each other that little nod of recognition with which one acknowledges an intellectual equal , I moved on to the question that really interested me , which was how Alison came to know Thomas Carter in the first place .
21 ‘ I knew that whatever I was producing , I was meant to have : that somehow we had chosen each other .
22 After we had greeted each other and ordered coffee , Leslie walked in .
23 We had known each other for five years and were lovers for three , although we did n't live together .
24 The Sid Valley Talking Newspaper , we gave a hundred and fifty pound before and we have done each year .
25 After all , we have got each other . ’
26 We have fought each other in wars , at football matches , on the Spanish beaches .
27 ‘ Yes we are friends , we have known each other since we were both 12 years old and we do spend lots of time together , ’ she said .
28 We have known each other all our lives , ’ said Helena .
29 ‘ I must say that our discussion was such that it was as if we have known each other for many , many years . ’
30 We have known each other for 14 years and we just do n't want to spoil what we have . ’
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