Example sentences of "we have [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 See we 've run out of buns cos you had one yesterday and that makes one er , there was two there
2 I s'pose now we has to put up with young Doctor Lovell dashing in and out again before you can tell him what ails you . ’
3 We 'd grown up in television together , learning from our mistakes , trying out new ideas .
4 And I think it was an example of the trust that we 'd built up over the weeks and months that we were able to do it .
5 By late afternoon we 'd stopped in at a number of bars along the pier .
6 ‘ If he came back and found we 'd made off by ourselves , he 'd go back to Tara and tell them we 'd reneged on the bargain , ’ finished Snodgrass .
7 Last night 's mess and a more tidy visit this afternoon when he came to see whether we 'd stocked up with illegal drugs on our trip to Nice . ’
8 That 's where the real problem lies , if you could have had the P A , if you could have gone into the cupboard and got it , even though we 'd turned up at ten past six ,
9 He must have succeeded since by the end of the next day we 'd moved up to fifth place , and we got our permit to camp for two nights by the Colorado .
10 Before we 'd sailed out from Calabar more than a day , three more were born .
11 And when we 'd gone along fifteen kilometres we 'd gone up by four point eight metres .
12 Er , no , no , we were , I mean last night we 'd gone up from the week before on a rave , we 'd had about si ninety in , and last night we had about two hundred and fifty .
13 Before we 'd gone far from the hut we had lost one of the Germans with sickness , and an hour later the Dutchman had to turn back when he had trouble with his crampons .
14 We 'd gone down to the Net , the day it happened .
15 We 'd gone back for something for them to do something to it , it is the Metropolitan .
16 She said , do you know she said we 'd gone off to the woods and I suddenly remembered I 'd left my purse in the car .
17 That 's if we 'd gone in on fixed price on scaled fee
18 I had this octopus once in Germany and it , we 'd gone out for a meal and I was gon na have steak and mushrooms and
19 We would all come back to reboard the train after the Jockey Club Race Train Stakes on Wednesday , and cocktails and dinner would be served as soon as we 'd rolled out of the station .
20 It also involved us in playing ‘ When the Saints ’ ( which we 'd resisted up to then ) for the two policemen who caught us parked on a double yellow line .
21 It was n't as big a hit , but we 'd shown more about the scope of what they could do . ’
22 Again , Oh we 'd graduated then from pencils and paper , to pen and ink and paper , the ink being in er a well sunk in the desk in front of us .
23 We 'd got up with the rest at 4.00 am and stumbled , steep-blind on a starry night into stony darkness : another alpine day had started in night .
24 By the time we 'd got out of there I 'd received two ‘ love letters ’ from a couple of nine-year-olds and pocketfuls of poems and drawings .
25 As soon as we 'd packed all the stuff in the ba van we 'd have the rest of the sandwiches the rest of the coffee or another cup of coffee and then we 'd get on the road and even if we 'd got back for four , by the time we 'd got home and , and had something to eat or if we did n't want nothing to eat , watched the telly for half an hour and get to bed , you 've got from eleven till sort of three or four the next day which is just nice because you 're in your own home
26 when we got home we sat eating we 'd got home from a show then and we were sat eating supper , and it were about half past three in the morning and we sat talking , I said to Rudy I 'm sure I can smell burning !
27 I thought we 'd agreed not to … ’
28 We 'd worked together on a BBC play called Shiftwork and he had a slightly wry , sullen world-weariness about him which reminded me of so many downtrodden husbands .
29 The year before in the Pit , we 'd talked often about what would happen when we went home .
30 But when I phoned her ( at a ‘ safe ’ house ) for this article , it was the first time we 'd spoken directly since the filming .
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