Example sentences of "we will [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 We 'll also go to the park where there 's nobody else
2 We 'll just go to where the star stopped .
3 Here we 'll just stick to initials , BM , to save writing the words out each time .
4 We 'll just have to be very alert and very low-profile . ’
5 tonight we 'll just have to er
6 we both got fourteen , so there 's no spare ones so we 'll just have to er , right Jonathan , you put you put one down .
7 We 'll not forget to be thankful . ’
8 well I think erm , the short answer is that I ca n't erm , erm provide the parties with any time on Friday , er , the case , this case has already some what over run it 's estimate , which has put pressure on the commercial judge as it is , there 's gon na be even more pressure on Friday , erm , I 'm afraid to say the , that the complexities of this case as such that I can not erm begin to think that even if we started at ten we would erm , necessarily finish within the hour , I have difficulties starting at ten o'clock anyway , I think we 'll simply have to erm , put the matter off , off until Monday morning I , Mr ca n't attend I really do n't think that I can erm put it off er any longer than that
9 We could go down and then , that way , and then we 'll all go to this way , and then join it up again .
10 Well we 'll maybe come to that .
11 I think we 'll really have to be cautious and that one
12 We 'll never get to the stile , ’ gasped Billy and prepared to turn and face the animal .
13 it 's still the first one , she 's got a billion things to do , we 'll obviously speak to her in the autumn , erm
14 I mean we 'll , we 'll obviously have to sort of keep a , keep an eye on all this all the way through
15 ‘ We would like to make it clear that we will not talk to pro-British or British newspapers and we want reporters to stay away from our family home . ’
16 Soon it will get so we will not want to be out there at all . ’
17 The Punjab governor , Mr S.S.Ray , said yesterday : ‘ Every time the Prime Minister comes to the state , such killings are organised but we will not succumb to such terror tactics . ’
18 We will not attempt to sector market potential between different platforms such as CD-I , CDTV , DVI or any other as yet unlaunched competitors .
19 ‘ If that is the way they want it we will just talk to City . ’
20 ‘ No , no ; I think we will just stick to the first choice .
21 When our life systems are terminated we will again return to the Prime Mover .
22 Feminists studying language have in general been more interested in furthering the study of sex difference than in criticising it , and though it is acceptable to sneer at long-dead commentators like Jespersen , whose work we will shortly come to , a thorough critique of modem sociolinguistics has been very slow to emerge .
23 In the last two chapters , Chapters 8 and 9 , we will finally come to the question of the directions in which teacher-supported change to schools might proceed .
24 We will then start to be recognised by the people who specify job descriptions and conditions of employment , ’ he says .
25 We will then return to the attack .
26 In that context , we will then turn to the White Paper and consider its proposals as they affect , specifically , accounting and finance .
27 We will now return to the battlezone , ’ he said .
28 We will now turn to theoretical approaches which see the criminal as ‘ normal ’ , and which centre on how society defines certain individuals as criminal or deviant .
29 And one thing we will learn from it I think , if we 're honest with ourselves , and we put , and try and save up and have a piece on the end there , but the one thing I think we will perhaps come to , and the one conclusion we may come to , is the fact that whilst we , we do live in this world and I absolutely agree that if somebody says , look I need to see a new as well , I need to see you now , or I need to see you tomorrow , that 'll be difficult , O K , and that 's the immediacy of the business .
30 Signor Ripa di Meana said , ‘ If Britain can not meet our demands in two months , it shows a lack of goodwill , and we will definitely go to the courts . ’
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