Example sentences of "we be [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But at once she was warmly sympathetic , giving directions to the cabby , then , clutching my arm : ‘ Oh my dear , ’ she said , ‘ we are both in such trouble . ’
2 But there we are thus on such er tiny threads do entire lives hang .
3 We do the same for the submatrix bordered by the first row and column , and so on , so that finally we reach the unit matrix as the canonical form for A. It is to be observed that , since in using elementary operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) on A we are effectively at each stage multiplying together determinants neither of which vanishes , the reduction of A to I must be possible when A is on-singular .
4 If we continued to exclude children , we are effectively excluding many women , we are excluding families and in many ways the men as well .
5 We are nowhere near that yet .
6 We are nowhere near that amount .
7 I think we are nowhere near this .
8 From household bills to fridges , we are there for those who need us .
9 We are still at this stage today .
10 We are now in that state — We feel the ‘ burden of the Mystery ’ .
11 We are totally against any form of discrimination , ’ a Belgian official told New Scientist .
12 We 've just done a fortnight in the States promoting this region erm to the agents of the erm people who , you know , really book holidays , and one of the things that emerged more than ever was this comradeship , you know , we are together in this erm and what a great country you 've got over there .
13 In Britain we are behind in this specialization of public relations .
14 If we are indeed in such a digestive , living-with-it , period it would explain something which is otherwise puzzling .
15 Unfortunately from your point of view we 're both in this together now .
16 We 're just into each other getting our act together . ’
17 Well we 're nowhere near that , nowhere near that .
18 Well , we 're here in this building , perhaps we have some differences , of course , we ca n't quite match the C B Is resources , but who knows .
19 That is why we 're here after all . ’
20 The original old ones we 're still on those but it 's
21 What kind of life are we going to have together if we 're forever at each other 's throats ? ’
22 We were also without that rock in defence , Trevor Proby .
23 We were both in that ghastly film Out of Africa , were n't we ? ’
24 It seems like only yesterday we were here like this before , as if the months in between had never been . ’
25 I ca n't see it happening , I mean I 've already tried out one idea which has n't run very fast but if we were solidly behind that , that would be very important for this initiative , we as a county .
26 We were never like that .
27 More than forty years later , the Cornish and De von Post put me in touch with one of the other boys from Black Rock , Stewart Barr-Hall , who confirmed that we were never in any kind of danger .
28 It 's through the intrepidity of our ancestors that any of us are here at all , but this was an extreme case of decadence .
29 Er without the customers there 's no point in us being here at all .
30 I 've thought and thought about us — about us being together like this , and whether you really loved me and how it feels when you kiss me . ’
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