Example sentences of "we [det] [vb base] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Still , that 's what we all go for is n't it , to manfully plough through two foot deep mudholes in our be-trainered feet , to boldly stand in the pouring rain clad in only a T-shirt and to remain under canvas for three days whilst simultaneously holding both the tent and a beer can in a force nine gale !
2 The idea that this Chamber is a place to which we all come to be influenced by the ebb and flow of debate and the oratory of Members is totally ridiculous .
3 I am concerned about the practical effect of the Labour party 's opposition to the Bill , which would be to hamper or prevent the necessary restructuring of the coal industry which we all know to be necessary .
4 WE ALL like to be taken seriously , especially when we are feeling ill .
5 We all like to be liked ’ , as one Northern businessman recently put it .
6 And , although I imagine a certain amount of tampering has gone on here ( I do n't recall the vocal being quite so clear , but we all like to be tampered with once in a while ) this is still a bloody mess .
7 But , I believe that we all like to be scared a little , as long as we can shut the book at the end of the story , and still be in our cosy , safe bed .
8 ‘ The one thing we all ask for is love .
9 In situations where tempers are getting raised , we can stand back and make everyone aware of what is happening and the effect on progress : ‘ We all seem to be getting very heated about this , and we 've come a long way from the main issue .
10 ‘ It is a time when we all want to be happy .
11 It seems that whilst we all want to be able to travel around quickly , conveniently and in comfort , the price for many may be too high .
12 Group pick up is very handy , if you 're with a large bunch of people in a large office , you can get together and say , ‘ Right , why do n't we answer everybody 's telephones if they 're not there , let's not just leave them ringing ’ , Okay , so you get together and you ask me and say , ‘ Right , this , this , this , this extension ’ , it could be up to 40 extensions , ‘ We all want to be in the same group pick up ’ , so what happens is the phone rings , but another one rings .
13 To this end we all need to be engaged in a programme of progressive disengagement from injury to animals .
14 We all need to be told we look good , so try to educate your family to support you in this way .
15 We all need to be consistent I think do n't you ?
16 But , whatever you do , you must never forget that there are a lot of very important things which are said to come from ‘ god ’ , and which nevertheless , we all believe to be good .
17 Hegel suggests that we all aim to be recognised by others wanting to be noticed by others , to be deemed worthy by others are traits we all have .
18 We all have to be near something — work , college , family — there are very few people who are without any ties and can genuinely live anywhere .
19 Let us not say what we both know to be true .
20 We both seem to be held in much the same esteem .
21 And we both need to be sure that you can afford the repayments .
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