Example sentences of "we [vb past] into [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We rode into the Place St Michel and sat in a café drinking hot chocolate .
2 She took a torch from the shelf and we crept into the night , children on a midnight dare .
3 I slipped out through the double gates of the burial ground to the Horse Fair , and we crept into the loft over the stable there .
4 In a previous paper ( Westley and Mintzberg , 1988 ) , we probed into the relevance especially of the contextual and stylistic factors through a comparison of the visionary leadership of Lee Iacocca and René Lévesque .
5 We passed into a conifer forest and followed firebreaks downhill until a road was reached .
6 Moderator the erm overture which we passed into an act er in the last sentence of section three says the names of such children , that 's those children who have been admitted to erm communion as children , shall be admitted to the communion roll of the congregation when they have made public profession of their faith that is , when they reach the point at which they make that normal statement and the my understanding would be people whose names are on the communion roll .
7 The City streets were fairly quiet of course , but as we passed into the suburbs we found ourselves in the midst of the Saturday morning shopping rush .
8 So we whipped into the van and off we went .
9 As we tumbled into the ditch again , half the contents of his magazine went overhead , knocking paint , rust , and sparks off the gate of the house behind .
10 Er yeah , well you know we were rough because , but I mean if we got into a fight , there we there were no gang warfare .
11 Sometimes we got into a shoal of them and pulled them in as fast as we could handle the lines ; sometimes we failed to find any .
12 Well we decided , decided what we w , what the object was , and then , we got into a position that certain cards so , the cards were split between u , the two of us , so we aimed it in different directions .
13 On the other hand we got into a discussion yesterday as to whether the medical profession is n't devoting too much of its energy just to keeping people alive who really ought to be dead .
14 But we got into a train there and went to , to Crewe I think it was .
15 We got into a partnership with them to develop a small engine a couple of years ago , for their application .
16 ‘ At the end of High School I got together with a drummer , who is still one of my best friends , and over the summer of ‘ 67 we got into a group situation .
17 It was about then [ three years ago ] that I started going with some of my mates like Kevin(10) and Eddie(6) … and Eddie and me we got into a lot of fights and that … and the fucking coppers — they always grab either him or me when there 's any bother or that .
18 But insisted that we got into a rowing boat instead , so we did , and after failures to dissuade us , we were promptly joined by three park-keepers who sat in the boat and insisted on ‘ helping ’ us to row !
19 Once we got into the swing of things , it took no time at all . ’
20 We got into the trench and listened to the swish as the salvoes passed overhead .
21 Soon after we got into the coach , he began to talk in a strange rambling manner .
22 We are as strong as they and a great deal wiser , ’ which , as Boswell points out , ‘ was an assault upon one of Lord Monboddo 's capital dogmas , and I was afraid there would have been a violent altercation in the very close , before we got into the house ’ .
23 ‘ When we got into the car I said , ‘ Thanks for coming to get me , ’ and he said , ‘ Now that I 've found you I 'm never going to let you go . ’ ’
24 As we got into the car I looked at Eva and she smiled at me .
25 He gave my passport to the Corporal who put it into his pocket , then we got into the car and drove off in the direction of Lille .
26 So back we got into the car and ultimately by some good fortune we arrived at the Consulate .
27 We got into the car but I was still watching the plane .
28 ‘ We 'd never seen her before , ’ said Masha , ‘ not till we got into the car . ’
29 When we got into the studio , I got Gibson to send a few guitars down for a try-out and I ended up using them the whole way through the album .
30 ‘ Well , ’ Ace flinched a bit at his severe tone , ‘ we got into the palace , persuaded Etienne to tell us where the TARDIS was , and flew it back here .
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