Example sentences of "we [adv] use [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now , apart from the noise and pollution , a petrol-driven outboard is usually unnecessary for punt fishing , for we rarely use a punt to reach very distant areas .
2 Yet the paradox is that we only use the word hypocrisy when we have reasons for believing that we have found the thing itself .
3 We only used the road to the back of the house once , on arrival , otherwise we came and went by boat from the dock .
4 I mean in the neural network terms we just use a summation function .
5 We thus use the term binary for computers which manipulate numeric values expressed directly in a binary format , and decimal for those where binary patterns are interpreted as decimal digits .
6 We already use every drop of the Colorado and it still is n't enough for our needs .
7 Is it because we 've given them a different have we already used a pot up ?
8 Even now we still use a caravan on site to reduce travelling time , which has the additional benefit of allowing us to take our black cat , Muffy , with us .
9 And yet we still use the craft they designed and built .
10 Our pit was n't going to be big , but we still used a pier as a precautionary measure .
11 We also use the word because it has the connotation that the information that we are concerned with is being transferred from environment to enterprise , actually to be used ( good heavens ! ) — by specific users in specific contexts for specific tasks , and is not being transferred just because it seems a nice thing to do .
12 We also use the survey to examine the significance of small establishments as employers of temporary workers and the regional distribution of temporary employment , to give the personal characteristics of temporary workers — concentrating on their sex , age and marital status — and to discuss some of the reasons given by temporary workers for working on this basis .
13 In this study we also used the technique of continuous sc infusion of caerulein at a dose of 10 µg/kg/h for five hours and this resulted in the increase in the pancreatic weight and the morphological alterations of pancreatitis comparable with that reported by Robert et al .
14 However , we typically use the whole ( usually an event ) to speak of the part ( the individual property ) .
15 We should by now be familiar with the general formula for decomposing data : Data = Fit + Residual The process of smoothing time series also produces such a decomposition of the data except that we mainly use the alternative , more suggestive form of words .
16 We then use the p variable as dependent variable in a probit analysis with independent variables t , σ , k , and P t ( where P t is the relevant actual price ) .
17 We do n't know how many solar systems there are in each galaxy because we can only see stars , not planets , but we earlier used an estimate that there may be 100 billion billion planets in the universe .
18 We sometimes use the term ‘ equity ’ , or words corresponding to it , in popular language as if it was something altogether outside law .
19 Indeed , we unknowingly use the variation of light and shadow in our environment to tell us more of its structure and three-dimensionality .
20 First of all , I want us to think about how we actually use the telephone , how you talk on the telephone , what you say , and why it 's important .
21 Well I was a bleeding age but I had n't got a job and erm I decided to keep on and we actually used a lot of our August summer holidays to help move the stuff from to School .
22 We therefore used the remission/mild disease category to include both patients in remission and patients with mildly active disease .
23 So effectively we 're paying , whilst we never use the typing pool or the plan print room , we 're paying a proportion of those costs on a per capita basis
24 Whether it was give it a better flavour or no , I do n't know but we never used the saltpetre .
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