Example sentences of "we [am/are] [v-ing] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This is why we now put ‘ Cichlasoma ’ in inverted commas — we have to call these fish something , and the parentheses indicate that the name we are using is not a correct scientific one .
2 I will argue , first , that we are inveterate formers of hypotheses about what we are seeing ; second , that computers can only be programmed to see things if they are provided with suitable models ; and third , that our habit of guessing what we are seeing is astonishingly successful .
3 He has also , inquiries revealed , sold rather more than the 40 or 50 paintings suggested by the Saatchi Collection spokeswoman in mid-week , and the pattern of his sales suggests that what we are seeing is rather more radical than a ‘ refinement ’ of the collection .
4 The long opening sequence , detailing a mismanaged operation of a baby 's delivery , is an extraordinary feat of simulation , yet it also tends to defeat realism because we know what we are seeing is not really happening .
5 What we are seeing is not churchmen meddling in politics but following through the logic of their theology which Professor T. F. Torrance has dubbed ‘ a radical disjunction between faith and reason . ’
6 What we are seeing is not some kooky ‘ Generation with no name ’ but a crisis , in , well ( sorry to sound so meaningful ) , Western philosophy .
7 commented Jo , ‘ The overall standard of the children we are seeing is gradually improving although we still need to encourage many more children to play tennis ’ .
8 ‘ The freedom and way of life we have been accustomed to enjoy for so long will vanish ’ , Kenneth Oxford , Chief Constable of Merseyside , prophesied in 1977 ; ‘ what we are experiencing is not a passing phenomenon but a continuing process of change in our way of life … our customary ways of behaving and our traditional values are being radically modified . ’
9 Therefore , what we are suggesting is not to be considered as the only way of " doing it right " .
10 The advice we are offering is how to use wilting , absorbents and inoculants to reduce the effluent problem .
11 He then explained that ‘ … what we are pronouncing are not the three names of God ( or worse still the names of three gods , as some would suggest ) but we are pronouncing three aspects or qualities of the Deity which are well-known and used , in Christianity and other religions , namely His Eternal Existence , His Transcendence and His Omnipotence . ’
12 It seems that the situation we are witnessing is neither the effect of a biological underpinning of sex roles , nor can it simply be seen as the persistence of institutional inequalities .
13 The last section of this chapter will ask if what we are witnessing is not some ‘ final ’ deindustrialization but a shift between types — or even different eras — of manufacturing .
14 The point I make is that the the allocations that we are making are not going to solve the problem across the full spectrum of the economy , they are targeted .
15 Another said , ‘ I do n't like the implication that the only time we ever think about what we are doing is when we 've got an appraisal ’ .
16 I think you have to appreciate here that what we are doing is mainly therapy .
17 What we are presenting is not a distorted view of ‘ reality ’ , but the reality which engages the people we have studied , the reality they create by their interpretation of their experience and in terms of which they act .
18 The motion that we are proposing is fundamentally straightforward .
19 My hon. Friend knows that one of the changes that we are introducing is much fairer funding of health authorities throughout the land to reflect , among other things , the age structure .
20 In more mundane language , what we are saying is simply that a movement to a point along x could be executed in two steps , one along x and then another along y .
21 Tim Midgely , a director of Biomass , said : " The technology we 're using is as old as the hills .
22 Erm so My Lords I am left in the slight dilemma that erm I 'm not er none of the amendments we 're discussing are absolutely ideal from my point of view and meet the three difficulties er which I have touched on and indeed the amendment to which I have put my name erm number eleven , would I think be better erm to have a minority of er er a minimum number of eighteen rather than sixteen so as to simplify the arithmetical processes of contemplated er a two-thirds majority , but of the er amendments that we are discussing er if the opinion of the House is to be sort , I myself would go along with Amendment five and the two other associated amendments with which the Noble Lord , Lord has submitted for consideration of the Committee .
23 But , it 's it 's not really a deterrent , that 's the point we 're making is n't it ?
24 No we 're not going in the car we 're walking are n't we ?
25 So to start with what we 're doing is just having a little assessment , seeing what sort of driving erm techniques that you have .
26 That 's what we 're doing in n it mummy ?
27 right , this is exactly the same we 're selling is n't it ?
28 The sentence on the Staffordshire Regiment officer is subject to confirmation but the question we 're asking is how often are other recruits subject to bullying and intimidation ?
29 We are not subject at this juncture , to identify any further exposures , but that , I mean , that 's what we 're saying is n't it ?
30 So financial effect of what we 're saying is completely incompetent .
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