Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [not/n't] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We may not be staying long .
2 As Mr Armitage puts it : ‘ We may not be hitting the quantity , but we are certainly getting the quality . ’
3 It is absolutely clear and I want to make it clear that we may not be doing anything tomorrow or the next day , we 'll all be , we 'll all be try to understand and determine is how we will deal with the issues in as and if traffic develops over the next ten years or so and that strategy will then form the basis under which we will try to resist city area that we did not see there .
4 If Labour councils had listened to the advice of the Audit Commission , if historically they had collected rents , rates and the community charge , we should not be faced with our present difficulties over local government finance .
5 We should not be trying to create an image that school is little more than some form of elaborate and expensive ‘ Trivial pursuit ’ ( Sullivan 1988 ) .
6 We should not be misled by any temptation to assume that what we are dealing with here is the familiar disposition of many words , mentioned above , to vary in their referential effect according to the standard considered relevant for the type of the noun ; as if , to take the last sentence in ( 34 ) it was simply a matter of adjusting our standard of what counts as old from the range suitable for schools to the smaller one which is appropriate to individual human beings .
7 I say this because I am anxious that having decided to reject the modernist notion that there is no Devil — and therefore no Christian dualism — we should not be tempted to fall into the opposite error of conceiving our adversary as no more than a fiend .
8 We should not be helping our enemies ( in international terms , of course ! ) , but that 's what we are doing by allowing the Exiles to compete in our leagues .
9 I quote that not to be complacent and not to say that , in this competitive world , we should not be striving , as the Bills outlined in the Gracious Speech help us to strive , for higher standards .
10 Ali wanted us to meet here , ’ he said to Owen , ‘ so that we should not be seen by his little friends . ’
11 We should not be supporting this practice .
12 With an estimated 18 million people actively walking , rambling and climbing , we should not be barred at the whims of a privileged few .
13 Put in the language of this chapter , we should not be seeking the Holy Grail in the curriculum or anywhere else , but attempting to create relationships between management and professionality within structures which are good at bringing about change without exhausting or demeaning teachers in the process .
14 In other words they are being totally unfair in that process and as a result of this more people are likely to suffer as a result of fire Council and savings which are clearly er is proposed er that is Conservative review that we should not be using new money or money within the environment budget which is better stretched for all the other services , to find that other fire fighters as much as we agree they are needed when clearly there is another pot of money which was available for this service and which the other two groups have decided they will take
15 We should not be converging to the lowest common denominator in Europe .
16 People are are seeing animals as objects of entertainment , objects of amusement , we should not be allowing circuses to present animals in this way to our society and particularly to children .
17 Surely we should not be comforted by the thought that others are worse off !
18 It is clear that we should not be led astray by glamorous starlets .
19 Coun Jim Knowles said : ‘ We all knew that this proposal would not go through , and it is now clear that we should not be pursuing a policy of closing schools . ’
20 While I am far too gentle and decent a person to criticise any Opposition Member who has joined in the expressions of appreciation of this action , I have to say , in the kindest possible way , that if the defence policies to which the Opposition subscribe — I include all the Opposition parties — were implemented , we should not be ordering a rowing boat , let alone three frigates .
21 Until almost the last day I could not believe that we were really leaving Abyssinia for good , that we should not be coming back .
22 ‘ All I am saying is the radio show should give equal coverage to Stockton and Middlesborough , that we should not be coming off second best . ’
23 We should not be panicked however into top-down/control solutions , for many of these ‘ new ’ skills which are apparently so daunting at the moment ( reading a financial statement ? ) are easily learnt by intelligent people and in two or three years , at that level , we shall be wondering what all the fuss was about .
24 Voicing concern about the alleged abuses , Councillor Elizabeth Leitch , of Monklands District , said : ‘ We should not be asking for changes here but demanding changes .
25 Nevertheless there was also quite a number of people who felt strongly that we should not be going ahead .
26 My personal view , and I must emphasise that I have n't discussed it with John , is that we should not be offering a general horticultural advice service to all and sundry , but that we should restrict this to areas where we have recognised expertise — Alpine & Rock Gardens , Arboriculture , Glasshouse cultivation and others .
27 But organisation charts only give us the bare bones of the organisation 's structure and we should not be carried away with the idea that official descriptions tell us all .
28 We should not be having the same speech from the same group on the same issue at any point and also I would hope that where there is agreement between the groups that there is not time spent in
29 We should not be bothered by safeguarding entrenched institutions , nor about winners or losers , but by how better to persuade tourists to come to Scotland and how to help the industry that makes them welcome .
30 In 1991 , we should not be making the poorest in society the scapegoats for a policy that even every Tory Member admits is dead , is dying and should be abolished .
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