Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [vb infin] [be] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The main conclusion we may draw is that significant numbers of the adult population are actively involved in the care and assistance of older people .
2 But perhaps the moral we should draw is that criticism is not , and can not be , such a discipline ( though literary history is , or may be ) .
3 What we should consider are all the alternative ways that a fruit fly can inherit individual switch settings .
4 Now the other thing we should remember is that between nineteen seventy eight and nineteen eighty two , certainly in the early nineteen eighties , eighty , eighty one , we were in the midst of a recession and so that should tell us that really people should have less money to spend on holidays .
5 So an example of words we should use are this example and there 's a handout to write , to recite , to identify , to differentiate , to solve , to construct , to list , to compare , to controls .
6 Ah er the other item that we must mention is any extra plastic bags
7 Now , what we 'll do is this Erm Get into your table and put a decimal there , now you can choose , I do n't mind what you have , right ? so you 're going to do some like that right .
8 The example we 'll consider is that of Mt Etna in 1971 .
9 But if this motion is successful and a working party is established , one of the conclusions that we might reach is that General Secretaries should keep their sticky fingers off shops steward 's commissions .
10 The three primary intellectual influences on the functionalist style which we shall examine are those of sociological positivism , evolutionary social theory , and pragmatism in philosophy .
11 I think yes er we have to accept that er the use classes order would allow that erm , but what we would anticipate is that in terms of I five , the local planning authority would be would allocate specific sites related to I five .
12 ‘ What we would suggest is this , Mike , ’ Sir Daniel went on .
13 No , but he 's criticizing the Conservative policies and all that , and what we will do is this .
14 With this , we can easily flip any even number of edges , which we will see is all that is possible .
15 In the absence of dose-response studies , the only important point we can make is that transit was accelerated across the ICJ by a dose if ia 5HT that did not induce ileal secretion in vivo .
16 All we can say is that logical , easily perceptible solutions are always preferable to enigmatic ones , which may have forms so difficult to perceive that to the listener they seem formless .
17 What we can say is that Caribbean usages have spread outwards beyond the Caribbean community itself , so that there are a number of expressions of Caribbean origin now in use in London both within and outside the black community .
18 Okay , so , I think what we can say is that agricultural trade in absolute terms has probably risen
19 The conclusion to which we can come is that cannibalism is rare but that , in extremis , it is something to which the human species will resort .
20 I 'd say what we can see is some of that heat surviving long enough to escape through a cave mouth , ’ she said to Ace .
21 But what I 'm gon na suggest is that again we go back to the client , and say basically , this is what we think we can provide is that good enough ?
22 The most we can get is some idea of the world view the one hand , impossible to say on the other and most importantly , what it is not possible not to say or avoid saying/implying ’ ( personal communication ) .
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