Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [adv] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Appeals will surely ensue but in the meantime we may well sympathise with those Soprintendenze who feel tempted to put all restoration work on hold in the fear that in carrying out their proper duties they may find themselves being sentenced as criminals .
2 Nevertheless , it is our purpose to keep a channel open by which we may still talk with Glendower . ’
3 If we are the very beginning of a project and , perhaps as an undergraduate , know very little at all about our chosen topic , we may actually start with articles from encyclopaedias .
4 This is undoubtedly an all European problem , United States , Canada , Japan , everyone else should be involved , er I think we should probably identify with the Soviet 's aid and help , hm , key projects like the conversion of military industry into consumer goods , er , like transport and communications , key areas of the economy where relatively small amounts of investment could produce big returns , and then finally it seems to me we should be extending to the Soviet Union for membership of er , international financial organisations like the world bank and the international monetary fund , whichever in criteria of course for helping countries and for integrating international aid to those countries .
5 Accordingly , we should only interfere with his decision if we are satisfied that he applied an incorrect test , or was deprived of material which was necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion or was plainly wrong .
6 We must then continue with a rolling programme of reform that takes us away from the narrow concept of notional rents .
7 We must now fear with good reason that it was the first three months which were not typical .
8 Well I think we 'll probably deal with that this afternoon .
9 erm Sorry , I think we 'll just stick with Faulkner for a moment , because I think that leads us on to the constant tragedies of battle casualties , which were obviously very much brought in into Oxford whenever people were wounded outside they were often brought in to Oxford to be cared for , there was a hospital out of Yarnton too , but a great many were cared for all over Oxford , and the greatest of course were buried at Christchurch .
10 I do n't think we 'll ever trade with them again .
11 The Earl of Warwick , one of the judges , protested and asked for time to produce charters and other evidence so that ‘ we might still enjoy with quietness the possessions of our ancestors which had bin oute of the Forrest for three hundred and thirty yeares ’ .
12 We could both do with some tea while the three of us are talking over what plans need to be made .
13 I think we could both do with a luxury evening with good food , soft lights and a tranquil background .
14 I wonder if we could just finish with a very brief comment from you in a positive sense as to what would be your advice to somebody that 's unemployed ?
15 Yeah , we could just play with .
16 ‘ The experience we gained through High Island gave us the confidence to know we could successfully work with Tatham , ’ Broussard says .
17 Yeah , well no we have n't so we could probably do with doing
18 I th I think outside Greater York we could probably cope with that .
19 We reckoned that we could probably deal with any nonsense from Mazzin , not that we wanted to waste our energies in a battle of nerves with him .
20 Can I remind you we will not be sitting after lunch tomorrow , but what I would hope is we could probably deal with C and E in the morning , b by one o'clock .
21 And I 've said that the maximum that I think we could reasonably cope with would be five .
22 IMO we could still do with a Ruddock type figure at the back .
23 We could certainly do with a rota of people to man the museum and more volunteers to put on it .
24 As for Uncle , he had suffered from rheumatism for as long as I can remember , so , all-in-all , we always had more work than we could really cope with .
25 What we could really do with is an Easter egg with an egg cup with it .
26 No the , the principle of it is good , we could all do with a bit more muscle building than we have .
27 I mean , like Dave said , I mean , alright we could perhaps do with a superstore , but not the .
28 We 'd rather deal with each proposal on its particular merits .
29 Yes , I think we 'd all agree with that .
30 Those companies propose to reduce the hours of the already not well paid workers to below the level where those companies have to pay national insurance and take responsibility for pension payments , sick pay and holiday pay — all the things that we used quaintly to associate with civilisation .
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