Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [be] [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 After all , we may be learning as we go along but it is n't long before we discover that not everybody has a sylph-like waist or arms that with a little stretch will trail along the floor !
2 If the issue of a hung parliament arises in the future , we should be asked if we want to hold an ostracism .
3 We should be told if this too is a ‘ silly little constitutional issue ’ in Mr Hughes 's opinion .
4 Yet that is what fire chiefs say we should be doing if we want to make our homes safer .
5 Maybe we should be asking whether Speed should n't be sidelined for a spell , as he is a bit anonymous at times .
6 There was a touch of steel as he told her , ‘ We 'll be leaving as soon as you 've had breakfast . ’
7 In which case we 'll be finished before you get there .
8 The race , over a gruelling hundred-mile-long course was won last year by a team from Hereford … we 'll be asking if they can row their raft to victory once again .
9 Likewise , we might be disturbed if the social class distribution in the sample turned out to be very unlike the overall pattern .
10 Omar expressed anxiety that we might be attacked as we withdrew from Bahdu , but Ali Wali guaranteed our safety .
11 Most of us are too polite to object , but imagine the embarrassment we could be saved if the authorities allowed people to ride in shirtsleeves in hot weather .
12 ‘ I know how much we have already put in up to the end of 1992 and I know what we could be asked for for 1993 , ’ Longuet said , but the size of the sums is to embarrassing for him to reveal them — but he did say they were incompatible with what the European Commission would allow and what French taxpayers wanted .
13 My view ( the view of a confirmed industrial privatizer ) was that the National Health Service should remain at the centre of our health-care system and that politically we would reap the whirlwind if we could be portrayed as moving away from it .
14 Mrs Porter said it was difficult to say that local authorities should help Victim Support , but added : ‘ It would be nice if we could be considered because of our vital service . ’
15 We 'd be obliged if you did n't touch it , ’ said Montgomery hastily .
16 You see when committees are meeting at two o'clock usually have a much shorter agenda than this committee discussion but to enable to this committee and to do its job properly , I would think we 'd be looking where possible to be able to discuss items properly and to get start at a reasonable time like we do .
17 We 'd be lying if we did n't say that .
18 We shall be asked whether we have considered the consequences of rejecting the Budget .
19 For the fact of the matter is that we shall be misled if , along with most other enquiries in this field to date , we perhaps rather naively imagine that if man 's earliest ego is found preserved , as it were , in the chimpanzee , then there we shall also find the evolutionary basis of his id .
20 I wish to say a few words about what measures we would be considering if we had the misfortune to have a Labour Government .
21 " These are dangerous times my girl , and we would be perceived as being wealthy .
22 We would be obliged if you could witness our customers ' signatures where appropriate and ensure that they are fully aware of the documentation signed .
23 We have not as yet got out any form of formal consultation process , erm , but obviously erm , if erm , if that 's what members er , of this Committee wish , erm , then we would do so , and we would be advised as to whether that should be in advance of P and R , or whether members would wish to wait for the , the results of P and R Committee before formally embarking on , on consultation there .
24 We would be shown where our caravan was which we were to stay in .
25 We feel that we will be criticized if an old person is found in less than perfect conditions , and we will be thought of as neglecting them .
26 I think we will be regarded as being rather limited .
27 In an arrival statement at Cairo airport , Mr Christopher said : ‘ We have come to the region ready to do our best , and we will be assessing whether the parties are ready to do theirs .
28 ‘ We will be interviewing him about what happened but obviously he is in no fit state for us to talk to him yet and we will be waiting until he is well enough , ’ a police spokesman said .
29 And that 's the sort of thing that we will be identifying as from tomorrow .
30 We ought to consider their wishes and feelings , not because we will be hurt if we do n't , but because they will be hurt .
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