Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For suppose that the disuse of meat causes a permanent distaste for it , and that an increased demand for fish continues long enough to enable the forces by which its supply is governed to work out their action fully ( of course oscillation from day to day and from year to year would continue : but we may leave them on the side ) .
2 We get quite used to our domestic dog actually bringing us sticks and balls so that we may throw them for our four-legged companion to retrieve .
3 ‘ Forget about the bullets , we may find them in the morning . ’
4 Even John Henry Newman wrote this about animals : ‘ We may use them , we may destroy them at our pleasure .
5 Often we may equate them with more formal partnerships which fall by the wayside after only a short existence ; except that in their breakdown the feelings of guilt , humiliation and bitterness may occur even more strongly than when an " honest " attempt is felt to have been made .
6 I 've a feeling we may need them before this is over . ’
7 Those of us who enjoy them need only a name for each condition , so that we may discuss them in expectation and in recollection .
8 I think we should beat them at H.Q , especially if Batts can get the ball in Midfield , and Deane perks up .
9 The examples in this section are Janus-like , in that the reader may interpret them metaphorically but , in the light of the examples in the previous section , it seems to me that we should interpret them as cases of underlexicalisation .
10 Perhaps we should send them to the client on all
11 When we are in the material world doing work or playing , we should do them with enthusiasm and be wholly committed to them .
12 Not all small creatures are pests , some are predatory on the pests themselves , and we should regard them as friends .
13 Absolutely I was aware that Graham was very anxious to be involved in this process , er for example he wrote me a note and I think other members and it 's because of those , of those notes that I was anxious that we should inform them of what we were up to and if you want to share any of the papers or agendas please ask .
14 That is clear in his mind , the only question for him is how this should be done , and he says , ‘ I think probably we should treat them like mosquitoes , that is to say , we should , we must use gas . ’
15 We all know that the task we 've set the officers is to manage within the budgets they 've been given , and to have no cuts in services , and no compulsory redundancies , and thi this is their challenge and this is what they seem to be achieving , and I think we should applaud them for that .
16 These will get better and better and we should consider them as part of our thinking .
17 We should develop them to the full .
18 Instead we should provide them with the means of taking charge of their own lives ; then — if and when they are ready — help them to understand their payoffs and hidden agendas , so that they can choose to stop playing this destructive game .
19 Right , now that 's what a decimal is a decimal is , that 's what a decimal is , and there are some people think we should write them like this , or you could n't , you could n't do this .
20 If need be , we should educate them for unemployment , rather than trying to pretend that they are all going to get jobs in which French and Geography will come in handy .
21 Well we should accept them for the sake of our own spiritual growth for one thing .
22 We should replace them as the Labour Party 's main op opponents .
23 In closing I must remark that if we ever make contact with aliens we should take them to Bangor and let them see all that is good in the human race .
24 ‘ I suppose we should take them with water . ’
25 We should take them at their word and hold them to it , rather than resign ourselves to the judgment that they have been lying .
26 We were , on the whole , comparatively fortunate people but , like everyone else , we had our anxieties and sorrows ; and , friends as we were , it was natural that we should communicate them to one another although , like well mannered people , we wrote letters mainly intended to give pleasure .
27 We do n't have passports in this country , although as a long-standing Yorkshireman , I 've always thought we should have them with Lancashire , but that 's another issue .
28 In order to create an individual life in the world , we should use them as colours on an artist 's palette , to paint our own picture .
29 They were not going to fight any more , and we decided we must leave them on the island .
30 We can not dictate what our children will make of the Community , but we must leave them in a position where they can effectively influence the shape of Europe , and that Europe must be one in which we retain our distinct national identity .
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