Example sentences of "we [modal v] not [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The counsellor may not be able to find the reason readily , or we may not like or agree with what we find , but nevertheless the reason will exist .
2 We may not like or respect our superiors , for example , but they will have power over us just because they occupy a position above us in the organisational hierarchy .
3 Where the " we " -groups are exogamous , as is very often the case , the " we/they " distinction corresponds exactly to the distinction " those with whom we may not intermarry because they are of common substance with us " / " those with whom we may intermarry because they are not of common substance with us " .
4 We ought not to assume that our own interests will be those of our children .
5 We should not forget that it was not that long since Samuel Butler had published ( in 1878 ) his famous poem ‘ A Psalm Of Montreal ’ which was evoked by finding that Canadian ‘ philistinism ’ , had removed a Greek statue of Discobolus to a side-room in the Natural History Museum , presently used by a taxidermist , because of its ‘ vulgarity ’ .
6 But nevertheless : ‘ We should not forget that an over-regard for individual liberties can put at risk that sense of order and security without which no community can be truly free . ’
7 But we should not forget that this is the inevitable result of Mrs Thatcher 's much vaunted Law of the Marketplace ( or Jungle ? ) , which has forced producers to be ‘ different ’ , if not better , to catch the highest number of viewers .
8 This has since expanded into a professionally organised system covering the whole country , but we should not forget that it was Harry Barber who began it .
9 However , whilst it is important to recognize this trend , we should not forget that the family unit still performs most of the caring functions for the majority of older people in modern society .
10 We should not forget that the experience of ageing may well be different for men and women .
11 Although the National Certificate , with its competence-based , internally-assessed modules , has almost become part of the educational establishment now , we should not forget that Scotland led the way in the development of this kind of award and our experience has been drawn on in subsequent moves to make all Britain 's vocational qualifications modular and competence-based .
12 We should not forget that his party voted against a review body .
13 ( Indeed , the latter in his resurrection seems to point directly to this alternative , and we should not forget that such a comparatively late example as this had a clear and much earlier precedent in the resurrection of Osiris . )
14 It was his own spiritual change which made possible after the poems of the early twenties a more affectionate view of London , but we should not assume that the owner of Down the Silver Stream of Thames had ever been totally blind to the beauty of the city .
15 We should not assume that this means a retreat from the world into a monastery or a desert — not at all .
16 When we read , for example , that there was ‘ war in heaven ’ ( Rev 12:7 ) we should not assume that there was some sort of cosmic version of Star Wars , or that the archangel Michael and Lucifer fought it out with spiritual light-sabres .
17 Hence , for example , in the case of the educational system , we should not assume that dominant ideologies about women necessarily give rise to uniform practices in schools and amongst teachers .
18 It may be , however , that the acceptance of dominant values is not as great as it might seem — we should not assume that actors conform because they wish to ( even if these wishes were manipulated ) .
19 However , we should not assume that a great deal has not been achieved quite spectacularly in the past few years .
20 We should not assume that because some European countries have regional government the people there want it .
21 When considering their applicability to particular organizations it is necessary to heed Clegg and Dunkerley 's warning that we should not assume that power resources will have equal utility to the members of all organizations in all situations .
22 Again , we should not assume that developments amongst the London Tories , at the level of corporation politics , were typical of developments amongst Tories as a whole .
23 And we should not oppress or surrender each other .
24 Given this , we should not expect that the relationship between one cause among many and an effect to be perfect .
25 However , I argued that we should not suppose that the essentially competitive process he proposed implies a competitive outcome .
26 The evidence for overseas exchange , particularly in one direction , is the easiest to observe in the archaeological record , although we should not believe that the details are yet fully understood .
27 We should not suppress or repress our anger feelings .
28 But we should not accept that this is how things are until we are convinced that there is no other account of knowledge which offers the sceptic less leverage .
29 They tell us that we should not manufacture and deploy nuclear weapons .
30 Of course , we must not forget that these are ski resorts .
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