Example sentences of "we [modal v] [verb] about [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We may complain about it many times , but think of its wonderful facility of allowing us to phone that relative in the United States , or a friend a few miles away , or the butcher , or our business , and so on .
2 What I looked for , but only occasionally glimpsed , was the recognition that , though differing frameworks of shared assumptions may be barriers to effective understanding , the rewards can be substantial — if not for what we learn about the alien systems then for what we may discover about our own previously unquestioned beliefs .
3 It is considerably harder to characterise the form of exchange at a local level , although we may hypothesise about its nature on the basis of the organisation viewed through alternative forms of evidence .
4 ‘ Have a look at the correspondence column , and tell me what we ought to do about it . ’
5 Again one could draw as it were a sort of a picture of erm one 's true self as a sort of largish lump , er much of which was the body and then within this smaller portion which is the soul , and within that a still smaller portion which is the mind , and then in all of us there is present to us the one , and we 're told that we ought to think about our body , that it is not our true self .
6 Now a couple of problems which are frequently taken for fungus trouble , but which in fact are not , so perhaps we should talk about them here , between the fungus diseases and the physiological disorders .
7 I think we should forget about what may have happened in the past and pray for a series which might well become a classic .
8 Not because of anything to do with the school but he needs special help — I think we should think about your feelings .
9 Perhaps we should think about it , instead of drifting on from day to day .
10 erm it may be erm a a good idea to use it as a erm as a first scheme perhaps to erm to try and er car park and if you look at that at the beginning and just keep it on a on a rolling programme then all that does n't get so enormous er it does n't get such a a large task so maybe if er , but it does need coordinating perhaps we should think about it .
11 What do you think we should do about him , Rex ? ’
12 Conclusion : this is what I feel we should do about it
13 If an orator , anywhere in the world , publicly challenged the lightning to strike him if he lied , and it promptly did so , we should read about it and be duly impressed .
14 By that time we should have about I would say at least another ten thousand pounds in that account of yours .
15 ‘ You said we must think about what they know from bugging us while we were talking after they 'd gone . ’
16 I said , ‘ So am I , darling , but the one who is most scared is Patsy , and we must think about her . ’
17 ‘ Then we must talk about it , but not here .
18 ‘ Well , ’ says Howard pointedly , looking at his watch , ‘ we must talk about it some time . ’
19 We must talk about your joining a Pack later on .
20 It is always my hope and belief that by alerting social workers to the danger for children and parents of the passage of time and requiring them to point these out to the natural parents , that one would be avoiding that sort of drift , and collusion with parents of ‘ Oh do n't worry , you get yourself together and then we 'll think about him coming home . ’
21 Now , this time we 'll think about it
22 We 'll think about it and say ooh oh you have this do n't you ?
23 ‘ When Tom comes , we 'll talk about him and you , ’ said the counsellor reassuringly .
24 And if you do n't want to talk about that we 'll talk about something else .
25 We 'll talk about something in general , if you wish .
26 pick out three things and we 'll talk about them
27 We 'll talk about your football I suspect .
28 We 'll talk about it in the morning , ’ Shirl said .
29 We 'll talk about it when you get home . ’
30 When asked to clarify his intended future playing policy , he said : ‘ Have a look and see what the team does in Spain , see how it plays and then we 'll talk about it . ’
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