Example sentences of "we [modal v] [verb] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We may do it badly , but the beauty is that we do it at all .
2 ‘ … we are of course much gratified to hear of your safety and that your expedition is progressing so prosperously : at the same time the Letter although a long one does not tell us half the things we most wished to know : it does not say ought of your movements , when we may expect you home , how Mrs Gould is , whether your attendants have answered your expectations , how Mastr .
3 We may hold them again at a price a hundred times their worth to us , for a few months , a few years at a pinch , but French they will still be , and in the end we must leave go of them .
4 If your little treasury was well buried among the coppice wood , Father Herluin , we may recover it yet . ’
5 The book begins , with the description of father and son at the latter 's birth ; the following paragraph is so formal in its rhetorical design , balancing each element of Mr Dombey 's description against a similar element of the description of Paul , that we may set it out in tabular form ( reading the columns from left to right ) : This is a brief glimpse of one kind of language which recurs at intervals throughout the book , especially at symbolic and ceremonial points in the fortunes of the Dombey family : births , funerals , and marriages .
6 If unleashed too suddenly , the pain can overwhelm us and we may feel it too much to endure .
7 We may know it very well in our hearts , but what is there to prove the offence on him ? ’
8 In his 1955–56 Annual Report , at the end of a year when insufficient Terminal courses had been provided to use up all available Ministry grant , he commented that ‘ we may find it increasingly difficult to resist a reduction in the number of tutor-organisers we now employ , let alone claim a further appointment , if additional Terminal courses are not successfully organised in both established and new centres ’ .
9 Modern man must remember that in earlier times people washed less frequently and that , however chauvinistic we may find it today , women were usually available to fetch water whenever it was needed , even over a distance of several miles .
10 ROS : Tell us where " t is , that we may take it thence and bear it to the chapel .
11 I think we may take it as certain he had business here .
12 We may see it even in political fundamentalism — where the teachings of a reformer are still seen as the crystal clear teachings which are the pure source of revelation , and from which deviation is heresy .
13 With abused children the immediate and undisputed need is for protection but , in achieving this , we may cut them off from cherished family and community links , an isolation that may prove damaging .
14 ‘ But I think we ought to talk it over first .
15 We can take it down ; we ought to take it down really .
16 And I think we ought to get him over to one of our meetings .
17 We ought to get him away from here as soon as possible .
18 ‘ Then perhaps we ought to get you back to Faye 's , before either of us decides — ’ He broke off , took a ragged breath and did n't finish .
19 She said they had an awfully difficult job and we ought to help them as much as we could .
20 Sir , we ought to have them nearby us , where we can see what they 're up to … where they ca n't betray us without destroying themselves as well .
21 Hundreds of pounds ? it 's such an important issue , we ought to have it out in the open , and let's tell the taxpayers what these people say
22 So , well before we get on to any issues to do with the structural poverty of the Third World , maintained by the wealth extracting efforts and arrangements of our Western world , we can surely see why quite a few people do not really believe in recovery through economic growth and consumption and we need to ask whether we ought to want it anyway , but people in the Tory Party and in the Labour Party in the City with a capital C and the trade unions with a Capital T and a U go on talking as if our goal must be jobs and recovery in the same old way , technologized , computerized and skillerlized of course with strong dashes of management insights and so on
23 Erm , I think we ought to make it very clear again , that we can now trace calls , and er , I hope the press are noting that and making as much as they can of it , because that 's the sort of thing that helps to remove malicious calls , which go which cost a lot of money , and a lot of time , and also put somebody else 's life in danger when an appliance has been called out to something that it 's not required for .
24 I rather doubt whether the lesson has been fully learnt by Opposition Members , but the reference to ’ some Opposition politicians ’ is too general ; we ought to make it more particular .
25 But I do n't think we should give her too long , cos she 's got herself into .
26 ‘ I think we should reinforce the fence with fine mesh , and we should give him somewhere to hide — a place inside his enclosure where he can feel safe . ’
27 Mark , if you think that Strach was looking that far ahead then we should snap him up immediately , as if he is that much of a thinker then he could make a great manager .
28 Erm , I suppose I do n't know whether we ought , whether we should mention it here , erm , the , the National A G M is a future event really is n't it ?
29 I thought that this morning when I saw you again , and I want you to know I do n't think we should leave it so long the next time . ’
30 I said , I think we should leave it home and have it tomorrow .
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