Example sentences of "we [adv] [vb past] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We fatuously wondered if a street or a square would ever be named after us - ‘ two spooky old Villons , ’ as Dana once described us .
2 We only stopped when the weather made it impossible : the snow confused us and we could n't find our way .
3 The Government resolutely refused to comment until in January 1978 we suddenly heard that an exasperated Lord Rosebery had broken off the sale and given Sotheby 's the go-ahead to auction the contents in May .
4 Going ashore ourselves , we soon realized that the girls ' magic was of a very straightforward kind .
5 Then the funeral was held up for a few days , and we soon realised that the effect was indeed cosmetic and nothing more .
6 But we soon learned that the police have eyes and ears everywhere — every village , every forest , every mountain . ’
7 When we originally talked to Barry about it , we already knew that the Prime Minister would be guest that night , so we told him all about it , and he had this great idea .
8 IN yesterday 's Daily Post we inaccurately stated that The Cambrian News at Aberystwyth intended closing its printing works department and that a number of jobs would be lost as a result .
9 We always said that the Good Housekeeping Institute was unique , and the job requirements are too !
10 Until November , we still believed that the tanks might come back .
11 We also noticed that the reconstituted wild-type enzyme had a 5-fold lower affinity than a preparation of native enzyme taking into account the fraction of active enzymes .
12 We also agreed that the emergence of supply management as a key element in CAP reform was worrying .
13 We also felt that the interactions between different sources of knowledge was still far from clear .
14 We also showed that the N-Oct 3 protein , previously identified by EMSA as the major Oct-factor in cells of the nervous system [ 14 ] , is identical to brn-2 , a partial clone , generated by PCR , comprising solely the POU domain [ 11 ] .
15 Yet we also recognized that the success of PNP in general , and the coordinator in particular , depended vitally on aspects of the professional workings of schools which PNP addressed neither explicitly nor implicitly , and which were therefore not really within our evaluation brief .
16 We also established that a similar sum had been paid in through our Strangeways Branch although this had not caused any alarm .
17 We also established that the fish , abundant over the whole surface , were concentrated in the top 30 m .
18 We also reported that a pound of tea was 1/4d , a boy 's suit was ten bob , decorators were paid 8d an hour , the King of Greece had been assassinated and the MCC was discussing what to do in the case of rain affected matches .
19 We also found that the presence of human papillomavirus in the cervix of non-smokers was significantly associated with a history of smoking .
20 Our in joining in this theme , in the first instance , we clearly stated that the number of staff employed to do this should be the same , but you 've now got five erm outside Housing Departments , all with ten staff and still ten in central , or even more maybe .
21 After many of the recent disasters we later learned that the authorities knew there was a problem all along — but the public did n't .
22 So that created a problem and we then found that a number of people were leaving Brothers to seek their fortunes elsewhere because the work that they liked to work on and you know traditionally they 'd been on it for years , er was no longer there and er subsequently there was a slip in the numbers employed .
23 So far as my honourable friend er is concerned he is right erm and we indeed suggested that the staff federation should be affiliated to the council of civil service trade unions to enable staff who belong to the federation to gain access to the facilities available to unions affiliated to the C C S U. Sadly , sadly the civil service unions did not feel able to accept this proposal .
24 We readily agreed that the conversion had been carried out with more imagination than we would have been able to bring to it , but could we afford it ?
25 We previously showed that the excessive activation of tissue type plasminogen activator , mediated by microvascular endothelial cells , plays a crucial role in the development of gastric mucosal injury induced by ischaemia reperfusion in rats .
26 Indeed , we recently saw that the right hon. Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) has taken actions to run down the region and its potential .
27 We recently reported that the characteristic coeliac like intestinal antibody pattern of intestinal fluid antibodies also occurs in dermatitis herpetiformis patients without enteropathy , a group of patients in whom it is likely that all or most are in fact latent coeliacs .
28 We subsequently decided that a great many staff from parts of the country other than London would appreciate the opportunity to win tickets .
29 so it 's about time we actually saw that the policy was doing
30 We therefore analyzed if the stabilizing effect on P A2b and P A3 open complexes was maintained also at low superhelical densities .
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