Example sentences of "we [verb] [pron] be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then we realised there were plenty of tourists who could also use our products , so we took a risk and opened the shop .
2 On our return we realised it was our last evening at the campsite in Waldsee .
3 Golding 's novel is to some degree experimental in style , and when we read it , we sense there is something " odd " about Lok 's language .
4 May we know which is which ?
5 How do we know it was her little girl ?
6 As long as we say they 're our modules and these are
7 ‘ We can only guess at Allan Lamb 's motives in the Daily Mirror , but we hope they are nothing so base as money or , even worse , our nationality . ’
8 No , I know , but we better that and then we specify they 're our modules .
9 I like to think our academic standard 's gone up , and we know what 's what in the world .
10 We know what is what . ’
11 We know what is what . ’
12 We know there are plenty of you howlers out there — so send us an example of your most tuneful work , as soon as possible .
13 We know it 's none of us new boys , so — ’
14 Terry Place , we know it 's you .
15 Mm , now you just need your Kevin at the bottom there , so we know it 's you , can you write Kevin ?
16 ‘ Yeah , we know it were him , ’ said a woman as she added another bunch of flowers to the hundreds piled on the embankment .
17 Some time we think we 're nearer peace and then we find we 're it 's not , it 's some , broken out somewhere else .
18 ‘ The world in which we find ourselves is one where great hopes and appalling fears are equally justified by the possibilities .
19 But since this is the start of your HCI Holiday , we believe it 's our responsibility to look after you and we always do our best to provide meals at meal times and accommodation on overnight delays .
20 N.B. There are occasions , completely beyond our control , when a flight is delayed but , since this is the start of your HCI holiday , we believe it 's our responsibility to look after you and we always do our best to provide meals at mealtimes and accommodation on overnight delays .
21 There are those occasions completely beyond our control when a flight is delayed , but since this is the start of your CITALIA holiday , we believe it 's our responsibility to look after you and we always do our best to provide meals at meal times and accommodation on overnight delays .
22 Balancing , well we rang round , we rang what 's his name ?
23 ‘ I talked to my husband and we feel there 's something we should have mentioned that might just be important …
24 We feel it is our duty to put back something into the community , ’ he says .
25 Yeah I just it just seems to me such a complete and utter waste of of , his time primarily for fifteen , I mean this being identified a year earlier which we reckon it was you would think that even given all the red tape and everything else
26 We reckon there are anything between 1m and 2m people who want to play golf but can not get into a club , ’ says Neil Hayward of the English Golf Union .
27 We decided there was nothing wrong in £1 on something like the Grand National , ’ she said .
28 Having been on the receiving end of a whole host of visits over the past couple of years , we decided it was our turn to get out and about and took advantage of a kind offer by local brewers , of Abingdon , for a guided tour of the brewery .
29 not re no , no , listen , listen , no listen , listen , listen , it 's not , wait a minute , no , right , it was up there , we thought it was hers but it was n't hers , so I took the wrong one
30 But then it came natural we did n't take any notice of it , we thought it was what was expected of us you know .
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