Example sentences of "from where [pron] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The children persisted with the same piece of writing from week to week , taking up from where they had left off usually without a murmur .
2 When J. came back from his course , we simply carried on from where we had left off .
3 Boys and old men drove donkeys , which carried baskets of sand from where it had blown into the town at one end , to be taken off by the wind at the other .
4 Then he reached out and drew the hair back from where it had fallen across her face .
5 She was wasting her time ; without knowing exactly where it had been lying , there was no means of identifying the spot from where it had fallen .
6 Bill would roll his head up from where it had fallen on his shoulder and open his eyes cautiously .
7 She bent to retrieve her bag from where it had fallen under the seat and saw the parcel which made her heart sink .
8 Paige bent down to retrieve the comb from where it had fallen , wincing as her abused flesh protested .
9 I was confused and still worried that there might be horses and that I had not changed my bloomers which were wet from where I had fallen in the icy fish .
10 ‘ I had scaled magic heights and found obscurantism , absence of hope , a world infinitely darker than I had ever imagined possible from where I had stood in the Gorbals . ’
11 My passport was wet and creased from where I had lain on it all night ; but it was there .
12 The funny thing was this happened yards from where I had had a very bad motorcycle crash ten years before .
13 We would pick up supplies and I would continue with the wheelbarrow from where I had left off .
14 The place from which he rose and to which he descended at the limits of earth and Underworld was the primeval ocean , from where he had emerged , which was the god Nun , the father of the gods .
15 García had been in hiding since the April coup , taking refuge in the Colombian embassy in Lima from where he had made public appeals for popular resistance to Fujimori .
16 ‘ What a disgusting thing to do , ’ she said aloud , as she walked through the silent house , picking up two items of Nick 's clothing from where he had flung them almost into the utility room .
17 On returning to the surface , he carelessly looked away from where he had placed the briar and a snake ate it , whole .
18 Retrieving his hat from where he had left it , he hurried out .
19 He bathed and dressed in his evening silks , then settled in the chair beside the carp pond , picking up the Hung Lou Meng , the Dream of Red Mansions , from where he had discarded it earlier .
20 Besides , her arms were still on fire from where he had lifted her and her nipples still burned from that brief contact with his chest .
21 Elisabeth took her bicycle from where she had lent it against the garden fence .
22 Three times she stopped before reaching Charing Cross , abruptly breaking the current of pedestrians so people stepped around her , glancing , while she said , ‘ No … ’ and turned back from where she had come , only to turn again , move on .
23 Ann Maguire had borne a second Joanne , in New Zealand , from where she had returned , unable to bear cultural transplantation .
24 When old Mother Jacobsen had unlimited time at her disposal and the opportunity to take up the strands from where she had laid them down the previous day or week , she embroidered her stories with meticulous and colourful detail .
25 Then she stood up , turned to the sink again and picked up the rust-coloured casserole dish from where she had left it .
26 Henceforth she must carry on from where she had started that momentous morning in Goddy 's office .
27 There he positioned himself , trying to glimpse Dame Elizabeth 's chamber from where she had alleged she had seen the horsemen waiting in the trees .
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