Example sentences of "from which [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such things happen in bad dreams , dreams of the recurring kind from which one awakens in panic and fear , though she had never dreamed anything like this .
2 In practice , although this way of thinking was one perspective from which we looked at our material , it proved much less useful than we expected .
3 ‘ We only had a matchbox size kitchen from which we had to fees the likes of Spike Milligan , Harold Wilson and Ken Dodd .
4 The year 1890 was that of the Baring crisis , when the partners of Barings , largely through mismanagement of a major transaction in Argentina , found themselves in difficulties from which they had to be rescued by a group of City banks and financial houses organized by the Bank of England .
5 They became involved in sustaining the feudal superiorities from which they profited in a small way .
6 It can cause problems if patients ' case records are held at the place from which they went on leave of absence , but they are being seen for review elsewhere or are attending some other facility such as an out-patient clinic or a day hospital .
7 For the past decade , the two have been exploring the boundaries of costume exhibitions at New York 's Fashion Institute of Technology , from which they come with a dazzling reputation .
8 On 1 December Cumberland moved some of his cavalry forward to Congleton , from which they withdrew after confirming the presence of Lord George Murray 's troops , but this intelligence left the Duke more undecided than ever about the Jacobites ' real objective , as his private secretary admitted in a letter , dated 2 December 1745 , to London :
9 When the nymphs are hatched into young males and females , they each make a shallow burrow from which they emerge at night to search for a mate .
10 I think we have to recognize that the effect of these images and the conflicts from which they spring in Brent or Bradford has been to call into question any antiracist or multicultural project in education and indeed the idea of antiracism in general .
11 ‘ They were fortified towns built in the Middle Ages , some by the French and some by the English , from which they preyed on each other , particularly during the Hundred Years ’ War between our countries .
12 For Whitehouse , Neville 's avowed ‘ revolutionary ’ stance was aimed particularly at the young and innocent and was a form of ‘ ideological warfare ’ from which they needed to be protected .
13 As no great lover of period instruments for Beethoven sonatas , I anticipated that it would be in the second in D minor ( the only one of the three to betray the darkness from which it grew in 1802 ) that I would be most aware of limited powers of expression .
14 What remains is released into an elaborate system of drains , penstocks , pumps , flumes , and concrete-sided irrigation ditches , from which it emerges at the Mexican border , severely depleted and laden with salts and pesticides .
15 Each distinct form of humanity had its origin at a particular point in space and time , from which it expanded throughout the world before collapsing in the face of pressure from a more highly evolved type .
16 From which it turns toward other varying shades
17 There can not be a moment from which it passes from the class of invalid into that of valid covenants " .
18 O. coriacea superficially resembles Ophiotrema alberti from which it differs by the lack of distinct spinelets on the disk ; the shape of the adoral shields which are straight and do not have an indented proximal edge while those of Ophiotrema alberti are more wing-like and indented over the second oral tentacle pore ; the shape of the oral shields which are arrow shaped not round and almost hemispherical as in some specimens of Ophiotrema and by the absence of tentacle scales in Ophiotoma .
19 The virgins perform the most curious rites requiring far more dexterity than the earlier phallic Maypole rituals from which it seems to be derived .
20 And then , most startling , a book called War , Wine and Women from which I learned of the existence of prostitutes and lice .
21 I was , in Robert Pirsig 's immortal phrase , caught in a gumption trap , expending more and more energy in a blind alley of endeavour from which I needed to quietly reverse in temporary resignation .
22 But still the employers resisted , and it was not until August 1917 that discontent among seamen led the government to establish joint meetings between the Ministry of Shipping , the NSFU and the Shipping Federation , with the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Shipping , Sir Leo Chiozza Money as chairman , from which there evolved in the following November a joint " National Maritime Marine Board " , of the kind which Wilson had long advocated , which within a few weeks referred to itself as the National Maritime Board .
23 Some , such as the Somerset Levels , Chat Moss , and Hatfield and Thorne Wastes , are visible from motorways , from which there seems to be no exit whereby they can be reached .
24 ‘ Ingested that from which she died at that meal ? ’
25 Our problem is that while Mrs Iverson appears to have ingested that from which she died at the dinner party there is no dish from which some or all the guests did not share . ’
26 The female still lay there , watery eyes staring at some remote distance from which she waited to be recalled .
27 Voluptuous yet vulnerable , she was put through the studio 's star-grooming routine from which she emerged as the screen phenomenon known to the world as Marilyn Monroe .
28 Any way Sunderland came out pumped up and we hardly got a touch before Goodmans strength made an opening from which he scored in the 6th minute .
29 This perhaps accounts for the gout from which he suffered in 1771 and for which he collected prescriptions from friends .
30 He read about Jacques Delors 's federalist vision from which he recoiled in horror .
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