Example sentences of "from [noun prp] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was too soon for the operation to be taken away from Cardiff before he found out just what was going on in this hellish office block .
2 Sikandra is five miles from Agra if you want to know .
3 " No , do n't , leave it alone , " the irrepressible cry of one born knowing sprang from Lalage as she watched Nicandra 's efforts to control the blonde strands of hair blowing , light as ducks ' down , on the back of her neck .
4 Rhys considers it unwise to attempt radically to alter taxes on large cars , as proposed by Labour : ‘ You ca n't just decimate the luxury car trade , ’ he says , ‘ Most big cars may well come from Germany but you have to consider how it would affect the dealer network . ’
5 I was just home from Germany and he asked me the way .
6 It was from Magda that we heard early in September that a British Sunday newspaper had reported that an Iranian with close links to Hezbollah had said in Beirut that I was to be released immediately .
7 Reluctantly tearing herself away from Marc as they went to ready themselves for the ceremony later on , she changed rapidly into the coat-dress bought for the wedding , then did her face and piled up her hair .
8 It was on the rebound from Higginbotham that she took up with the first boy that she came near to liking .
9 A better example is on a small sherd from Colchester but it includes only a single head , in full face view with tentacles like a radiate crown , supported on a thin writhing neck ( fig. 14.32 ) .
10 Secondly , though it is true that most farmers we interviewed reserved special contempt for the MAFF scientists from Whitehall because they understood little about marginal hill farming , and worse did not appear to think they needed to know , local MAFF officials ( not scientists ) in the Carlisle Divisional Office were a completely different case .
11 Which got a big belly-laugh from Frejji when she arrived .
12 ‘ I only moved from Middlesbrough because I became a little stale .
13 Two days of forced marching without food towards a prisoner-of-war camp was too much for this free spirit from Baldersdale and he escaped .
14 and that was with the doors from Texas and he thought oh no you know
15 In the absence of P , it has a shape which enables it to bind to S and convert it into A. However , a P molecule can also bind to the enzyme , typically at a site different from S. When it does so , it alters the shape of the enzyme so that it no longer binds to S. The binding of P to the enzyme is non-covalent , and hence readily reversible .
16 In fact , you can expect a lot of good news from KLM as we continue to meet your expectations .
17 In the view , Ronald Colman strangled Shelley Winters , quoting from Othello as he did so , killing with a kiss .
18 Well as you can see from what Frank said , the six main sectors overall did n't fare too badly , sixteen percent drop in aggregate at the trading level and in fact er , our other interest less expenses were actually ended on eleven percent because we had a million pounds more profit from Lakeside when we sold the Tesco 's site .
19 They had a lot of joiners up from Paisley and they employed a lot of local labour as well .
20 ALL SMILES from Gazza as he prepares to make a sensational come-back — in England colours in Spain .
21 Well she says if you 'd of come to Sandra 's she 'd make you something , I says I know Eileen and so would I as well , I says I would n't have anybody coming in and bringing them sandwiches , I mean if somebody knocked on the , on our door one day from Queensbury and we did n't know they were coming and they 'd brought sandwiches with them
22 Well that , that boat from Evesham that we went out on a couple a years ago it had a fish finder on it .
23 Erm , again a suggestion from Richard that he feel , that we feel we need a new , a procedure for creating a procedure .
24 England manager Graham Taylor names his squad for Spain next Tuesday — and Gascoigne 's inclusion will be accompanied by a request from Lazio that he does not play more than 15 minutes .
25 Referee Larry Thompson stepped in to save the Hull fighter from further punishment after a sustained assault from Hardy after he had put his man down for a count of eight early in the round .
26 Fribble started to speak again , but received such a blazing look from Fael-Inis that he subsided .
27 She was feeling thoroughly angry , but she hid it from Jean as she went on , ‘ Ling has shown us where the cakes , sandwiches and asparagus rolls are in the deep-freeze , and we know exactly when to defrost them in the microwave ovens — so why should we worry about Doreen ? ’
28 Elsewhere , the close-up , detailed approach which works brilliantly , say , for Imogen Stubbs 's affecting Desdemona ( the pathos of her disoriented , jittery jauntiness intensified by beautiful touches such as the sepia photograph of her estranged father she keeps on the bedside table in Cyprus or the chocolates from Casio that she has secreted in a locked draw , not because she fears sexual misconstruction but because she would like to be thought too grown-up for frivolous sweet-guzzling by Othello ) paradoxically diminishes Iago because it encourages the belief that he can be realistically ‘ explained ’ like a figure in a novel .
29 Michael sniggered behind Moran as soon as they were on the road together but it drew such a quelling look from Maggie that he went quiet .
30 An aghast look from Heather and we decided to stick with the ‘ dehy ’ .
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