Example sentences of "from [noun prp] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The Czechoslovak government faced a demand from Sudeten Germans for material compensation for their expulsion from Czechoslovakia after the Second World War .
2 America 's Patriot anti-missile batteries , hastily airlifted to Israel from Germany after the first two Scud attacks , failed to stop a third attack but worked well the following night .
3 The slightly grudging tone is revealing : the AMMA , like most other teaching unions , campaigned against the funding of schools from Whitehall during the last Parliament .
4 This problem dominated philosophy from Plato until the seventeenth century .
5 Taking a pass from Patrick during the next chukka , she set out once more for goal .
6 Improv is unlike any other spreadsheet ( apart from Improv on the NeXT machine , from which it is derived ) as you 'll see from the review on page 97 .
7 In Ephesos is the modest-sized Temple of Hadrian which displays the Mesopotamian tradition of an arched lintel , a device introduced from Syria in the first century ( 133 ) .
8 But Bob Bagnell , who has imported charcoal from Indonesia for the last four years , says his source is not endangering the environment .
9 Just at that , there was a cry from Abel in the next room .
10 The Ukrainian delegation offered to resettle in Ukraine the ethnic Germans who were forcibly deported from Ukraine during the Second World War .
11 In general the news from Washington by the first half of 1945 was moderately reassuring .
12 We glimpse Raulinus , for example , who came from Devon in the mid-thirteenth century , wasted time as a student in Paris for two years and then came on to Bologna making a living copying manuscripts , drinking and writing love poems to Meldina .
13 Such Persian names survive in local nomenclature till Roman times : the priests of Artemis at Ephesus went on being called Megabyxoi for centuries after 330 ; or we might compare the place-name Maibozani , recently attested ( JRS , 1975 , p. 65 , line 10 , with p. 73 : a Roman inscription from Ephesus of the first century AD ) .
14 He 's due to return from Spain in the next few days .
15 The early Christian influence came from England from the tenth century onwards and its principal centre was at Uppsala .
16 lt is remarkable that despite these low numbers of species , little is known of their biology and one , the sebastiao-de-arruda , a well-known timber export from Brazil since the last century , has only lately ( 1978 ) been botanically identified and given a Latin name : Dalbergia decipularis ( Leguminosae ) .
17 After a hard-hitting first round in which both boxers traded body punches , the initiative ebbed away from Hopper in the second as he allowed himself to be drawn into a slugging match instead of using his jab .
18 New Beginnings : From Schleiermacher to the First World War
19 Ramsey Abbey , for instance , paid a tribute of four thousand eels a year , during Lent , for the right to take stone from Barnack in the eleventh century .
20 ‘ You 're a liar and a hypocrite , that you 're also Garry 's discarded lover does n't absolve you from the guilt of taking him from Berenice in the first place . ’
21 Third , there was another British vessel , the Sir Robert Sale , which was at the eastern , narrower end of the Straits , sixty-four kilometres from Krakatoa on the twenty-sixth , and attempted to sail westwards ( towards Krakatoa ) on the twenty-seventh , but was quite unable to do so .
22 Until they supplemented it by jadeite from Burma during the eighteenth century , the Chinese relied on nephrite .
23 Christy 's two shots to the last were something special , and that was a wonderful two putt from Jose-Maria at the last to score the important point .
24 Young Bernard stopped Trevor Royal , from Bristol in the sixth and seems confident promoter McMahon might be persuaded to stage a show in Banbridge .
25 Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania had been conquered from Sweden in the eighteenth century and incorporated as ‘ Baltic provinces ’ into the Russian Empire in the early nineteenth century , although a German landowning and commercial class retained substantial influence .
26 Doubly fortunate is the journalist who can within 24 hours leave Beirut and look upon what is left of the world Damiani lost on that April day when the Argentina sailed out of Jaffa harbour for Beirut , carrying his family from Palestine for the last time .
27 The writings of the rabbis repeatedly maintain that the Holy spirit departed from Israel after the last of the prophets , Haggai , Zechariah and Malachi ( e.g. T. Sota 13:2 ) .
28 Privately British officials believe Mr Patten will now have to endure a barrage of criticism from China over the next few weeks , following Prime Minister Li Peng 's report to the 8th National Party Congress next Monday at which he is expected to lambast the colonial administration for trying to subvert China with western-style democracy .
29 He had reached there late after a long tramp from Ballyjamesduff in the next county .
30 It seems the original X Consortium , scheduled to get a new director in January and slowly dissociate itself from MIT over the next year , is n't evolving fast enough into a fleet-footed marketing vehicle or even churning out saleable technology quickly enough to suit everybody .
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