Example sentences of "from [art] [pron] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And the marriage that was being described was different from the one they had known , indeed bore almost no resemblance to it , and there was no-one to tell them this .
2 They 'd been here on holiday , enjoying a lifestyle worlds apart from the one they endure in Russia .
3 They 'd been here on holiday , enjoying a lifestyle worlds apart from the one they endure in Russia .
4 This world will be different from the one we know by being both more educated , better trained and more utilitarian , characterised by greater economic growth and social responsibility .
5 He could start a debate about a church that in order to survive will be radically different from the one we know .
6 and six doors up , six doors down from the one we 've sold and get a coloured photograph so that 's the next campaign going out .
7 The planet then was radically different in almost every way from the one we live on today .
8 Over the past two days she had managed to convince herself that her mother was a different person from the one she knew .
9 When she changed schools , however , the maths A level course was different from the one she 'd been following at her old school , but the new teacher expected her to catch up immediately .
10 Giovanna Sassanta had given Julia a rather different view of the fighting in the Cassino valley from the one she had gained from the British newspapers at the time .
11 He had spoken in the voice of the army officer he had once been , expecting instant obedience , showing McAllister a man far removed from the one she had now known for over two months .
12 The picture that was emerging was quite different from the one she had gleaned from the cuttings .
13 He seemed quite a different man from the one she had met the other day across Mr. Crowther 's desk , quite different from the man who talked to Jenny this afternoon .
14 This was a different Fernando from the one she had loved so passionately before .
15 Too late Polly realised that her words were open to a very different interpretation from the one she intended , and her heart sank as the woman 's face creased into a hard-edged cynical smile .
16 The scene to which he returned was very different from the one he had left .
17 The fact that he had written a large part of it after his marriage led him to think of it as a work quite different from the one he had originally envisaged.It was while engaged on it at Kensington Court Gardens that he added the more tender love scenes which provide its real poetry .
18 It was a different room from the one he had occupied before the Chertsey expedition , but it was in the same poor part of London .
19 No sooner had they set off than he said , in a tone completely different from the one he had used in Holly 's presence : ‘ You should n't have come here , Charlie , you really should n't .
20 So , my father ended by fighting for a different cause from the one he had volunteered to defend .
21 An amoral man applying a fixed morality to others might not have hoped for the success Surere had had ; but now , with so much ranged against him , in a world so different from the one he had lorded it in , Huy wondered how he would get on .
22 It was a house about two along from the one he had been looking at previously .
23 Unable to face his wife in the bungalow in High Park Avenue and fearful of meeting her in one of the shops if he hung about the town , he set off for another walk along the beach , striking out this time in the opposite direction from the one he 'd taken that morning .
24 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached , or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received , or a different gospel from the one you accepted , you put up with it easily enough .
25 The real interview may run a very different course from the one you anticipated , and you do not want to develop the subconscious belief that it can only go one way .
26 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached , or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received , or a different gospel from the one you accepted , you put up with it easily enough .
27 You 're singing a different tune now from the one you sang after you 'd left her behind and got yourself arrested .
28 Much more alarming is the idea that you could not tell the difference between an expanding and a contracting Universe , and might indeed live in a Universe in which the arrow of time points in the opposite direction from the one you think it does !
29 ‘ Sometimes interviews can move in a different direction from the one you anticipate , ’ she said shortly , knowing that there was more than a grain of truth in what he 'd said .
30 Thus I can say this morning either during the morning or the afternoon , and refer to the same span ; whereas in Chinantec , I must use a different word for referring to the morning in the morning ( i.e. when the span includes CT ) from the one I use to refer to the morning in the afternoon ( i.e. when the span referred to excludes CT , but is within the same larger diurnal span as CT — Fillmore , 1975 : 47 ) .
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