Example sentences of "from [pos pn] [noun sg] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 There 's also a general view in the community that community care itself is not necessarily really working very well , there 's some fears about it , some uncertainties and a member did mention , it may have been Jim you know or somebody mentioned about the seven hours domiciliary , from my experience as a councillor I am not sure that simply because that figure exists that that means that that is satisfying the need of those people and in any case the sort of people who need to go into residential care , who can no longer be maintained in their home , with whatever help we give them or with whatever help their family have to give them they 're not necessarily the sort of people who we 're talking about need to go in a home .
2 From my position as the chair of a governing body of a primary school , I do n't actually think it 's given us very much more flexibility in how we run that school or how that school is operated , and I do n't really and I find it very difficult to see the benefits of us becoming suddenly having erm the responsibility of the funding dumped on us , and therefore the responsibility of any cuts from from erm Local Authorities .
3 Order dropped from my memory as a sticky substance melted in the sun might drop from a table and spread on the floor .
4 The players I think are worth considering from my time as a Leeds supporter are
5 He 'd planned this summit carefully , and now the Zen of the entire thing had gone crazy , because just as Dad opened his mouth to start talking blood had started to drip into my lap from my nose as a result of Charlie chucking me into his drum-kit .
6 The FWEs in Botswana got distracted from their goal as the programme developed and attracted the desires of the local authorities .
7 The flowers give double pleasure , both from their particular meaning to the recipient and also from their beauty as a pressed flower picture .
8 Nevertheless , quite apart from their value as a temporary measure to kick-start a move to overcome corporate cultural stereotypes , it was argued convincingly that at an operational level they worked as a performance standard on managers , making them work harder to find , encourage and develop female high-fliers .
9 She had lived in this flat for two years now , working as a secretary in the City , recovering from her life as a war victim , wanting only peace and freedom from her jealous , possessive father and her jealous , possessive uncle .
10 What had really caused her , in the end , to escape from her life as an American Princess was overhearing her English maid talking with one of the senior parlourmaids .
11 From her work as a professional painter and teacher she passes on the many tips , secrets and techniques that she has learned over the years and shows how gardens , with their immense variety and colour , can provide the artist with endless ideas .
12 Among the nominees attending the lunch , as recognition of their achievements , was Montgomeryshire nurse Sue Blower , who had returned specially from her work as a nurse tutor in Bucharest , Romania , where she is helping to set up that country 's first school of nursing for 40 years .
13 She dabbled in the outer reaches of the publishing world from her position as a wife and mother : after the birth of Time Out she began to contribute to its nascent poetry section .
14 After seventeen years ' service with Stoddard Ellen Gardner retired from her position as an Export Administrator on the 27th July .
15 Tea slopped from her cup as a shudder passed through her .
16 Jill is 60 , and , since she retired early from her job as a dinner lady , has been caring full-time for her 90-year-old bedridden mother and for her husband who has Parkinson 's disease .
17 and the Scottish Court of Session agreed that his employers ' prejudice justified their sacking of him ; Susan Shell was sacked from her job as a care assistant by Barking 's Labour council , when it was discovered that she was lesbian and she refused to resign .
18 A woman with leukaemia says she 's been sacked from her job as a secretary because of her illness .
19 Unlike Mr Spence she turned to creative writing later in life , after retiring from her job as a journalist on Chartered Surveyor magazine .
20 Then every drop of blood drained from her face as a man 's hand reached past her .
21 She dropped the camera from her face as the lens filled with his anger , and he receded to a safe distance from her ; but he was still bearing down , yelling , ‘ What the fuck is going on ?
22 One woman explained that her union commitment derived from her pregnancy as a teenager .
23 Culture , religion , art , war , economics — these successively became the avenues by which Germany could escape from her status as a political pygmy .
24 Sylvia Miles , fresh from her role as the bleach-blonde prostitute in Midnight Cowboy flashed in wearing a dazzling chrome catsuit .
25 Sue , who is married and lives in Hertfordshire , says she finds it diffi cult to escape from her role as the watchdog in the nation 's High Street .
26 The doctor has been sent on leave from her post as an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard .
27 ‘ This has moved from its beginning as a Presbyterian College to a major seat of learning .
28 One of the features of the cerebral hemispheres is that they have more extensive interconnections from one part to other parts than is usual in sensory centres , and perhaps this was the feature , inherited from its origin as the smell-brain , that made it useful for other modalities as well ; global pattern recognition requires taking into account large chunks of sensory information , not just localised patches .
29 As time went on , and the sultans who succeeded Mehmed II built their own medreses , the Sahn slipped from its position as the highest class of medreses , and , in the fully elaborated hierarchy , is only the sixth of twelve grades above the 40-akce level .
30 The ambiguity about the definitions of hat/head/hair also serve to reify the human head , detached from its body as a carrier of cultural impedimenta comparable to the de-portraitised head as a carrier of different kinds of spectacles in the advertisement for Dollond and Aitchison , the opticians .
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