Example sentences of "from [noun] to [noun] by " in BNC.

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1 Grain went from Rumania to Danzig by sea , all the way round Europe , and still cost 30 per cent less than overland by rail .
2 Is it not a ridiculous situation when the motoring correspondent of The Times ( 30 Jan. ) describes how he intended travelling from Brighton to Birmingham by rail , but found that he could drive for one quarter of the price , despite sole occupancy of a largish estate car ?
3 In the same edition of The Times , their motor correspondent describes how he considered making the return journey from Brighton to Birmingham by rail , but found that he could drive for one quarter the cost of a second-class fare , despite being the sole occupant of a largish estate car .
4 In Raymond Aron 's words , ‘ The essence of capitalist exchange is to proceed from money to money by way of commodity and end up with more money than one had at the outset ’ .
5 Right so that was C one , C two it is a hundred and fifty miles from Hereford to London by rail Hereford is north of Cheltenham , it 's going up from Cheltenham is Hereford the first train in the morning takes three hours for the journey what 's its average speed ?
6 My friend was followed from seat to seat by a dirty old man during He-Man and the Masters of the Universe .
7 Some compartments in the model could be subdivided : for example , radionuclides are transferred from animals to people by drinking milk or by eating the animal meat , and while the consumption of milk is a fast pathway , that of meat is slower .
8 A decision taken at an emergency session of the Arab League Council , meeting in the Egyptian capital , Cairo , on Sept. 10 , to transfer the bulk of organization 's departments and affiliated apparatus from Tunis to Cairo by Oct. 31 , provoked a sharp reaction from some members countries not in attendance .
9 Once she 'd got known for being presentable , turning up sober and on time , not leaving early with the spoons and able to tell left hand from right , word got round and she 'd been passed from college to college by grateful manciples .
10 The foundry supplied some 42 spans of varying sizes which enabled the natives to travel from Benares to Calcutta by through train .
11 ‘ Eight threes , ’ the Trunchbull shouted , swinging Wilfred from side to side by his ankle , ‘ eight threes is the same as three eights and three eights are twenty-four !
12 Fig. 2 ( b ) The pool must be levelled from end to end and from side to side by means of a board and spirit level .
13 All work will transfer from Worcester to Ashchurch by September .
14 Brian had raced from Devon to Heathrow by helicopter , planning to take a Concorde flight to join his family at the hospital .
15 These two sums of money were then transferred from England to Jersey by being paid , on the instructions of Mr. Ferriday , a director and chairman of the company , to the credit of a bank account held by Ryco Trust Ltd. , a Jersey company , with Hambros Jersey .
16 However that may be , they were removed , with the assistance of troops if Osbern can be believed , and accompanied from Rochester to Canterbury by Queen Emma and Harthacnut ; Cnut remained in London .
17 Indeed , coastal trading may be the only explanation for the peculiar distributions of some species , e.g. Exotheca abyssinica ( Gramineae ) in tropical East Africa and Vietnam and may account for that of Stylosanthes humilis ( ‘ S. sundaica' , Leguminosae ) , which was perhaps taken from Brazil to Malesia by the Portuguese .
18 In some systems one crane serves more than one aisle and in this case is moved from aisle to aisle by an automatic transfer system .
19 There are no real features — a low relief gangway here , a slashed crack there , a stiffening of angle at two thirds height seize the imagination of the guide-writer more than that of the viewing climber , who will want to go from bottom to top by the smoothest and straightest way .
20 They were grand princesses dancing superbly throughout , but never once suggested that they grew from girl to woman by any change of expression or ways of dancing .
21 The first is a female spirit with long fair hair who travels from village to village by water , visiting farms and helping to tend cattle .
22 Then , in the late afternoon , Eric would be picked up by the US postal jeep , which carried important military mail from Milan to Rome by way of Verona , Bologna and Florence , and arrive in Rome at first light the following morning .
23 Below the tower , clouds swirl across a grey moonscape lit from moment to moment by volcanic fires .
24 Can you tell me how to get Staithes and get to Scarborough and get to from Scarborough to Whitby by bus presumably .
25 At the scale of a single cell , molecules move from place to place by diffusion , although even at this scale larger objects like chromosomes and vacuoles are moved actively by the contraction of fibres called microtubules .
26 These materials are soluble in water , and hence can move from place to place by diffusion .
27 We should thus expect resistance from workers to attempts by management to wrest control from them , and the historical evidence for this is now forthcoming .
28 Between 1985–6 journeys from Swindon to Paddington increased by 16 per cent , from Bath to Paddington by 12 per cent and from Bristol to Paddington by 20 per cent .
29 In continuation of the policy of decentralization in progress over the past few years , Prime Minister Edith Cresson announced on Nov. 7 that the École Nationale d'Administration ( ENA ) , the elite civil service school , was to be transferred from Paris to Strasbourg by 2000 to strengthen links with Europe .
30 The Gulf crisis caused revenues from tourism to fall by 65 per cent ( official estimate ) by December and dues from the Suez canal were down by 25 per cent compared with 1989 .
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