Example sentences of "from [noun] [prep] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , we have increased from £1,000 to £2,000 the charge under the Immigration ( Carriers ' Liability ) Act 1987 for bringing improperly documented passengers to Britain .
2 All the Suffolk sites have been designated ‘ open access ’ but the term covers anything from freedom to roam the entire area to footpath access alone , a CC spokesman said .
3 Instead of creating the image from patterns of dots the data is stored as a set of instructions with each element being an individual object .
4 The ball from Gascgoine to Ball the other night when he scored his great goal was a little dink just over the top , outside of his fort and it was a little one over the top of there was n't it ?
5 In Warnford Investments Ltd. v. Duckworth [ 1979 ] Ch. 127 Sir Robert Megarry V.-C. held that the disclaimer of a lease by the liquidator of a company to which the lease had been assigned did not relieve the original lessee from liability to pay the rent throughout the remainder of the term .
6 That is especially so at this time , when we are effectively handing from Parliament to Ministers the right to decide , on private Bills , to lay orders .
7 John Dynan has been seconded from Torness to lead the project for the installation of the GOMIS system at Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant in Russia .
8 Keening by the side of the corpse , the professional nacarena still howled her tale of the deceased , spinning it out from scraps of information the family had told her , and then delivering it bound and knotted into a customary warp of praise and lamentation with the reassuring catch-phrases that were always used , to level the pleasant and the unpleasant , the cherished and the despised into a democracy of death , making each death absolutely regrettable , knitting up into the web of the dirge the separate individuals of the community .
9 She translated from Latin into Esperanto the Somerville song written in 1903 by Helen Darbishire , Margaret Moor and Margaret Robertson for the programme of Oxford songs , poems and lore .
10 Rebecque , in Braine-le-Comte , had news both from the Prussians and from Dornberg in Mons. The French had advanced north from Charleroi , but had turned eastwards to attack Blücher and had halted for the night at a village called Fleurus .
11 Returning from exile to head the newly formed Brazilian Communist Party ( PCB ) , Prestes was imprisoned for nine years in 1935 for leading an unsuccessful uprising against the dictator Getúlio Vargas ( 1930-45 ) and on his release was elected to the Senate with the highest personal vote of any candidate .
12 Several , including Taki , returned from exile to contest the elections .
13 From mid-May to mid-June the Mozarts stayed in Naples , where they visited Vesuvius and Pompeii , went to the opera at the beautiful San Carlo theatre , and were received by the King and Queen of Naples .
14 Right , and stem the bleeding if you can see where it 's coming from attempt to stem the bleeding , bung the hole up , okay ?
15 The 9 others in the dock face a combination of charges ranging from conspiracy to pervert the course of justice to assault .
16 The 9 others in the dock face a combination of charges ranging from conspiracy to pervert the course of justice to assault .
17 By integrating this last equation from r to infinity the time interval measured at a remote point where the gravitational potential is negligible can be compared with the same time interval measured at r : Re-expressing this result in terms of the gravitational potential gives .
18 In Section B Gilly rode her own Cool Grange to finish 42 points ahead of Susan Ward from Ayrshire with Hold The Fort and Mark Holliday from Selkirk riding Chill Out .
19 He commissioned from Beneš of Weitmil the Cronica Ecclesiae Pragensis , and the History of Bohemia from the Italian Giovanni di Marignola .
20 The book says if you keep yawing the aircraft from side to side the wheel may release .
21 Both sides were now eager to come face to face , and as General Cope moved forward from Dunbar towards Edinburgh the Jacobite army moved out to meet him .
22 Somehow he thinks it remote from morality to face the facts ; somehow he thinks it possible to be good without being wise .
23 Floy and Snodgrass , with Balor accompanying them , set out from Tara at noon the next day .
24 Michael Levy hot on the trail of the finest plastic junk in the world from Niagara to Bangkok The attack of the tack culture .
25 It 's great fun going out straight from work to dance the night away or for a hot date .
26 By the time my mother came home from work for lunch the flat was a mess .
27 Even if you are more or less an appropriate weight to begin with , you can benefit from exercise to tone the muscles .
28 Mark the hemline with chalk and take one side as the centre leading edge ( AE ) , then measure up along AE from hemline to mark the finished length .
29 From December to March the Club meets at Duxford Rectory , and the rest of the year at Duxford Church .
30 As it changed from green to amber the current intensified sharply and before he could stop himself Graham instinctively jerked his hand off the pad .
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