Example sentences of "from [pron] [noun] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Mr it 's been suggested from my plaintiff that it took ten to fifteen minutes to enter and secure the flat by the firearms officers .
2 Does he share my concern about some prisoners being put in prisons that are so far away from their families that it is a difficult and expensive business for the wives and chilldren — especially if there are young children — to travel half way round the country to see their fathers or relatives ?
3 A COUPLE fled to safety from their home after it was rocked by a gas blast .
4 Be interesting , of course , if fire cover were withdrawn , because then they would have to rustle up the R.A.F. crews from Brize Norton who would n't know their big toes from their elbows when it came to plutonium and highly enriched uranium and chemical explosive .
5 Other manufacturers have also banned CFCs from their products and it is expected that there will be a sizeable cut in the use of CFCs in the early nineties .
6 Since many parents were miserable at being separated from their offspring and it would be a struggle for some to pay money for their misery , they finally decided to have them home again .
7 Social researchers wish to establish clear findings from their work but it is natural for them to want to stretch or overplay the evidence .
8 But I think that the greatest tribute of all that can be paid to Peggy , and I feel sure it would come from her members and it 's this , and it 's basically what the trade union movement is all about and it 's about representing ordinary people at the shop floor because whenever anybody asks Peggy to do anything for them , to represent them , she 's always the first one there .
9 Clouds of smoke were indeed seen billowing up from her deck but it was later established that her cargo was being burnt to destroy the evidence .
10 Above the Company uniform her waves of lustrous brown hair were pinned back from her face but it did n't hide the fact that she was also some kind of tower .
11 Judith was well aware of the economics involved in the provision of kosher meat for Cork 's forty or so Jewish families , but it was worth submitting to a lecture on it from her mother if it helped to make her more amenable .
12 For a long moment he held her tightly against him as if he was afraid she might try to elude him , then when he seemed sure of her his hands encircled her waist , moulded her hips and moved upwards , unbuttoning her shirt , pulling it from the waistband of her jeans , then slipping it from her shoulders until it fell to the floor .
13 I 've jus ' took it away from its muvver so it 'll need the warmth . ’
14 And since the discipline can not exclude psychological subjects from its accounts as it can psychologists , it has to consider the effects of gender variations among subjects more than it does among psychologists .
15 The Humpback , swimming a little way below the surface , emits a fine trace of bubbles from its blow-hole as it describes a circle or a figure of eight around a shoal of fish .
16 Another figure of Hercules with a bow appears on a beaker from Godmanchester ( fig. 14.38 ) Only the top of the bow survives but it is clear from its shape that it is of the eastern type .
17 She alleged that the faculty then deviated from its regulations when it came to considering her application for exemption from some exams and also on the standard of scholarship it applied to her .
18 Mother watched in horror as the fly fell from its mouth and it swam to freedom .
19 Water also has a melting point and a boiling point much higher than would be expected from its formula and it becomes more fluid with increasing temperature .
20 The horse blew great jets of steam from its nostrils as it stood on the towpath , patiently waiting for them to board .
21 She reached down and , for a moment , Pete was half expecting some response ; a stag , perhaps , breaking the surface of the lake and climbing out to her , water streaming from its flanks as it came to her hand .
22 Miss Stonehouse said she feared the worst when she saw her son flung from his pushchair after it was in collision with a car .
23 Miss Stonehouse told how she saw her son flung from his pushchair after it was in collision with a car .
24 He led others to assume that soon world-dazzling poetry would catapult from his head as it had from those of other English boys : Lennon , Jagger , Bowie .
25 This time , however , the physicist could see from his instruments that it had not been totally successful .
26 The material was deemed faulty and Mr Martinson was emptying it from his truck when it splashed over him , causing severe burns .
27 A man leaps from his canoe as it hurtles towards us .
28 This means that the horse wo n't get the full benefit from his feed and it may also lead to digestive disorders .
29 He had executed in public deserters from his battalion when it fought for its life on the Basra to Baghdad road .
30 Water dripped from his elbow where it bent , holding the phone up to his ear .
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