Example sentences of "but because he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of the story , Gowie does start to become much nicer — not because of people threatening him , but because he meets somebody with a stronger personality who wants to be his friend .
2 Over the next few months Endill began to hate his schoolwork more and more ; not because it was difficult and boring but because he thought what the teachers taught him was of no use .
3 That he was so successful was not because his dancers were technical experts , but because he made them feel Rachmaninov 's passionate love of ‘ music as movement ’ .
4 Stuart is n't much use , to be honest , not because he does n't enjoy shopping , but because he likes everything I try on .
5 This experience , Mr. Johnson said , was ‘ wonderful — not only because he communicated with me , but because he kept his promise . ’
6 He was a successful president not because he ‘ focused ’ — few men can have done so less — and not because he was the ‘ great communicator ’ , but because he knew who he was and what he believed in .
7 but because he knew it was our troop , you know but erm , that 's the thing when you , nine times , about eight times out of ten you did it to another troop , but then again they did it back to you , but this time he was a right cocky son of a bitch , I mean we all liked him , but he was right cocky bastard , so he
8 One of my favourite species is the bream , not for his superior fighting power , for he does not test my tackle to any great degree , but because he tests my thinking power to the limit .
9 Furthermore , Morgan was interested in the patterns which kinship terms create , not just for themselves , but because he believed they reflected the system of marriage with which they had originally been used .
10 Keir Hardie favoured the general strike , not as an instrument of class struggle and revolution , but because he believed it could make a valuable contribution to maintaining the peace of bourgeois Europe .
11 But because he read them so often the Bookman had a little problem .
12 But because he accepts something from the philosophers ' view , a view which leads to scepticism , he himself runs the risk of it .
13 It appears that he published Mary Leapor not only because he thought she would be a commercial success , but because he admired her work .
14 Many of us had our suspicions , but because he covered his tracks so well no one has ever been able to prove anything .
15 He wrote not to tell her this nor to send her any kind of greeting but because he wanted her to do something for him .
16 He promised the Turks assistance not because he wished to establish a protectorate over them , but because he wanted their regime to survive and Britain had been unable to assist them .
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