Example sentences of "but when [pron] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Cos usu when they go away , cos they 're not going away this weekend , but when they go away you should come down cos the flat 's quiet and I ai n't got nothing to do , sit and play my computer .
2 If people want to kill themselves , that 's their affair , but when they come here I want to give them food which will do them food rather than harm .
3 I do n't know how long they 're staying but when they come here it is usually impossible to get rid of them . ’
4 But when they come back , I 'll ask them ! ’
5 They go to the ball , she is indeed admired by everyone there but when they get home she realises she has lost the necklace .
6 I thing recently the bus service has got dreadful since they brought in er private buses to their local areas , it was good for the first few months , but when they find out that its not paying at all , they take them off , they do n't tell you , the bus just disappears so your left with the usual one that used to be on .
7 But when they fly home to Karachi at the end of the month they are in danger of being remembered as cricket 's chumps , not champs .
8 ‘ They happen rarely , but when they do then everything is absolutely perfect .
9 ‘ The military say they want to fly rockets on it , but when they see 'ow small it was , it did n't get called up . ’
10 The pebble beach is dirtier than they realize but when they stand up from it clinging shell-dust and subversive oil-slicks and persistent grime will fall away from their white robes , leaving them untouched , pristine , still-saintly .
11 ‘ I do n't care who these people are or why they want the letters , but when they phone tomorrow you 're going to agree to whatever they demand .
12 but when they crawl down in the hall they they 're no bigger than
13 In the summer we can go out and draw from direct observation , but in winter it is too cold , but when we get back to the classroom we can draw from memory the tree we have just examined and put down on paper as much as we have learned and remembered about the tree , its form , its colour , and its texture .
14 ‘ I 'm only one of the selectors , of course , but when we get back home we will have to start sorting out what our best team is to play against Australia during the summer .
15 Otherwise it is rather like spending several days journeying to a famous tourist site , but when we get there only allowing ourselves 20 minutes to see it .
16 ‘ I know that , but when we go away I do n't want it to be for business — I want to have you all to myself . ’
17 But when we go out on the pitch , I hope he has a stinker .
18 But when we set off walking that stormy day , I never dreamed we 'd be so close to death
19 We can consider reasonably clear cut examples of the use of local landmarks and of home stimuli , but when we come on to a possible map sense we shall move into one of the more unsettled areas of the science .
20 But when we come out of it , things will be great . ’
21 I do n't know whether this is necessary but Caroline erm , but when we take on a new type of business which is n't covered by our current procedures erm , say electronic data collection or something , which up until then has been done on paper , that we ought to have some simple statement in a procedure about how we are going to er , ma , ensure that we 've got a new set of procedures to deal with that new type of , new system .
22 No Opposition have ever mutilated more forests in the interests of producing an endless stream of written policy documents containing come-ons and pledges of all sorts to every sectional interest , but when we add up those pledges and cost them , the Labour party becomes very coy .
23 But when we examine exactly which books are being read , we find that it is usually books first encountered as TV programs or movies .
24 yes , but when we see when we have
25 ‘ Sometimes we do n't always appreciate what we have when we have it , but when we look back now we recognise what very good teams Liverpool had . ’
26 The paradox of diversion is that whenever we want to divert something it proves very hard to do so ; but when we do not want to create a diversion we very often end up by diverting more than we wanted .
27 but when it come out me mouth , as soon as I said it I thought you should n't speak to people to people like that but I 'd said it had n't I ?
28 I said but when I come here there are cars everywhere , I says on on the picture
29 But , oh he 's quite happy , he 'll curl up in the back of a car , but when I come home and he goes so berserk if I 've left him at home , I know that he 's been watching and listening and waiting for me all that time .
30 In that trance-like state we drift apart , still staring , but when I turn aside it 's as if we snapped a silken cord .
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