Example sentences of "but she [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The card was due to expire in March 1993 , but she received a letter from the Golden Key company saying the card was no longer valid .
2 She turned to Ana with a smile , making herself sound calm , but she made a mistake .
3 Jenna could see that it was , but she made a note to sneak in here when she had a minute and try it out .
4 But she made a point of going down to the jetty one day to tell him , ‘ I 'm really glad you found your boat . ’
5 she used to be , but she got a bill for erm five hundred pounds , so they had to have it cut off
6 Anne is abroad at the moment , doing some research , but she left a message with someone that I 'm to give her a ring when she gets back .
7 There was n't a locket — but she left a letter . ’
8 A relative was bidding on her behalf , but she feared a competitor would take the pub from her .
9 Her arm flew out , wrenching her shoulder , but she kept a grip on the gun .
10 ‘ She comes from a privileged background but she had a childhood that was very hard , ’ says her astrologer Felix Lyle .
11 No one knew of it , but she had a snapshot of him standing beside Aubrey in the garden at The Grange hidden in her handkerchief sachet .
12 ‘ She did n't actually leave anything , but she had a parcel with her . ’
13 And she was erm a most lovely person , extraordinary and er kind and gentle , but she had a tenacity .
14 Though no one could say Miss Phoebe was sour — ninepence to the shilling maybe , but she had a heart under her flat chest .
15 He tried asking her about herself , but she had a knack of averting his questions with an apparently bashful stammer , looking at him with kohl-lined eyes that rolled around like the globules in a bricklayer 's balance .
16 It seemed to Sam that she looked the tall girl over very intently during those few moments , but then most people looked twice at Evelyn , not because she was especially beautiful but she had a kind of composure unusual in a street girl .
17 There was no struggle , like trying to walk through water ; but she had a sense of floating , as if her body had become insubstantial , like an air bubble .
18 She had no friends , for she repelled intimacy as though it were an insult , but she had a position : her manner imposed itself relentlessly upon the indifferent and the unconcerned .
19 But she had a detective now : Coffin .
20 It felt to her as if they had just unlocked the key to the whole universe , but she had a feeling that was not what he meant .
21 But of course she told me that when they came there they were there to look after the place so that it was n't taken over , you know by anybody else , but she had a washing machine , the washing machine come in just after .
22 but she had a grandson before that , she had a grandson who was born in eighteen ninety three and his name was on .
23 But she had a stroke of good fortune when she inherited Penelope Beaton as her art teacher , a woman who laid aside ‘ the nice tidy little shell paintings ’ favoured by her predecessor in favour of teaching her class the pleasures to be had from working with the wonders of unpredictable watercolour .
24 It was illogical , but she had a premonition that Officer Hassan 's instinct would prove correct .
25 I do n't know , it was just a novelty , we 'd never ever , I remember an , an aunt of ours that lived in Plymouth near us , she had a house with an upstairs , but she had a downstairs toilet , so we never got to go upstairs you know it 's just one of those stupid things I suppose , I , I thought it was great and another attraction was I think one of the main reasons you got us to really want to come to Harlow was the fact that we 'd have a television
26 But that worker she left , she got oh she was n't married but she had a family .
27 She knew very little about surgery and nothing about childbirth , but she had a fund of common sense , and the moment she had pushed through the useless , wailing women downstairs , and seen the squalid room in which Dr Neil was working , she had begun to dredge up what little she knew in order to help him .
28 Nicandra could not name Depression , but she had a cure for it : teasing Silly-Willie at the West Gate Lodge .
29 But she had a job as a nursing sister in erm Yale , the private hospital before she done her midwifery but she 's
30 but she had a miscarriage when she went home
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