Example sentences of "but if [noun] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're right — but if Mrs Richards has guessed the truth , what will it do to Felipe ?
2 But if Mrs Longhill felt better that her servant had fallen from grace in distant Barnswick , then let her think it .
3 But if Government words translate into action , they hope their suffering will not be shared by others .
4 But if development rights belong to the state , surely so should the associated development values ?
5 But if interference effects do indeed operate at retrieval rather than on the formation of the CS-US association , it should be possible to show that an apparently weak association formed after conditioning with a pre-exposed stimulus can be revealed as being perfectly strong in appropriate conditions of testing .
6 ‘ Iggy Pop can be tarty onstage but if Wendy James does it , it 's tacky .
7 ‘ The Egypt Committee ’ , Selwyn Lloyd remembered , ‘ would , however , continue to function , but if emergency decisions had to be taken the Cabinet would be recalled . ’
8 But if money supply goes on rising and hence expenditure goes on rising , inflation will rise .
9 But if wheat prices fluctuate more widely than house prices , an investor who had no particular interest in either wheat or houses would not be indifferent between them .
10 Naseby and Rose inspected the sanitary ware closely , but if Sir Thomas had indeed been sick , than there were no traces left .
11 But if energy consumption became uniform , with people in the developing world using as much per capita as those in the industrial world , global consumption would rise to 55 Terrawatts ( TW ) .
12 But if Paddy Ashdown embraced Neil Kinnock 's successor , what would be the consequences for his party and policies ?
13 ‘ There is no sense of crisis , of panic setting in among businesses yet , but if interest rates go up again it could be very detrimental , ’ he said .
14 But if interest rates fall below the capped rate , your rate will decrease with them .
15 She had no objection to working for her keep , but if Penry Vaughan went on treating her as if she were some kind of serf she 'd stick to plain , basic cooking from now on , she thought resentfully .
16 But if John Postlethwaite went he would take Jane Postlethwaite with him .
17 But if President Bush decides to go to Moscow next month for his planned summit meeting with Mr Gorbachev , he can deliver America 's condemnation of the violence in person .
18 But if Mr Clinton allows Congress , the doctors and the drug industry to pick apart his proposals , his public standing will suffer .
19 He replies that there 's no evidence of this , but if Mr French has evidence he should pass it on to his chief constable .
20 But if Mr Heseltine caps the authority at £20.2m , bills could fall by £14 27p per week .
21 But if Mr Menzies had thought of this he must have been keeping it for another Sunday .
22 They may prefer short term bid speculation to long term recovery but if Mr Louis-Dreyfus has his way , they will have to settle for the latter .
23 But if Mayor Schönlein hoped that by ostracising Fohrbeck he would force her resignation before her term of office ends in April 1996 , it looks as though he was very much mistaken .
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