Example sentences of "but he [verb] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 We walked straight past , pretending not to notice him , but he got hold of Malcolm and said , where 's the audition ?
2 But he demolished rumours of a furious row involving Christie and John Regis , who has agreed to rejoin the short sprint squad as well as running for our 4 x 400 world champions .
3 His assets were estimated to be worth £1.96m , but he had £1.75m of loans .
4 But he had months of planning and an intelligence network the size of a planet behind him .
5 But he had co-directors of several Middle Eastern nationalities . ’
6 But he fell victim of the dawning disenchantment when he declared in an interview : ‘ TWO Tribes ' ’ can be number one for nine weeks and then it 's toppled by George Michael 's ‘ ‘ Careless Whisper' ’ .
7 In public he expressed great contempt for the system , but he made use of it to an immoderate degree , particularly by bestowing honours — undue honours — on the least worthy of his personal friends and particularly if the suggestion was made by anyone close to him .
8 But he took charge of men ; organized them ; persuaded or inspired or commanded them to endure incredible things .
9 In 1918 his stock was confiscated , but he became chairman of the cooperative to which it was assigned .
10 Burridge cost the Palace £40,000 when he joined the club from Aston Villa , but he became part of the Palace 's best-ever defence , for the 24 League goals conceded in 1978–79 were the lowest for a single season in the club 's history while John 's 21 ‘ clean-sheets ’ that season was also the best-ever by a goalkeeper here .
11 There were still rumours that the Caldecott business methods were not above suspicion , but he became part of the establishment .
12 Thomas Telford ( 1757 – 1834 ) was renowned as a bridge-builder , but he produced roads of great solidity through the intermeshing of small , angular stones .
13 He only went to church when he took church parade — he was what we then called a Regular — but he shed buckets of tears when he heard the Last Post .
14 yeah I mean , and the trouble is what n annoys me more than anything is the fact that he 's good worker I me even when he 's drunk , alright he do n't work at full capacity but he does sort of almost as much as what they do and when he 's
15 looks after , I , I 'm not sure exactly what he does , but he does sort of look after the Welsh Office 's own traffic counting programme .
16 Rothbury ceased to be clerk of the council when he was appointed a justice of the court of King 's Bench in 1295 , but he remained clerk of Parliament till at least 1307 and perhaps as late as 1314 .
17 Mladenov had announced , in keeping with the commitment to separate state and party functions ( and possibly reflecting his rumoured ill-health ) , that he would not be a candidate for the post of party leader , but he remained Chairman of the State Council ( de facto head of state ) .
18 No you would n't know but he was the caretaker at father 's school , wonderful man , absolutely , he 's got god knows what he has n't got wrong with him , but he has sort of
19 But he shows signs of unease by touching his cuff-links with his thumb and finger , one of his nervous habits .
20 He did acquire Savoy and Nice , but he lost control of events in the peninsula , so that the Italian Kingdom which emerged in 1861 was far from being the entity he had originally envisaged .
21 She tried to push past him , to get to the door , but he caught hold of her arm , spun her round and bundled her back into the lounge .
22 She twisted away from his hand , but he caught hold of her arm as she tried to push past him , swinging her round to face him , pulling her against him .
23 She turned away sharply , but he caught hold of her arm .
24 But he retained feelings of gratitude for the chances he had been given and he allowed others later to mount several of his works for the University Ballet without expecting any fee .
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