Example sentences of "but in my [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Every band is a risk , ’ he said , ‘ but in my opinion the Sex Pistols are less of a risk than most . ’
2 But in my opinion the best way to recover your memory is to stay close to the place where you lost it . ’
3 There are any number of cross species that can combine to produce a lurcher but in my view the best of all is the Norfolk lurcher .
4 In the course of the year , you can find a good many specimens on show — Anjou , Red Anjou , Beurre Bosc , Passacrassana , Conference — but in my view the Comice and the Williams represent the top of the range .
5 Mr. Beloff submits that the requirement of notice to bodies , such as Winchester , was necessary to ensure that they did not breach the intervention notice , but in my view the limitation of the category of those entitled to be given notice to persons who will be prejudicially affected can only mean that it is the prejudice which brings with it the necessity to serve .
6 The wording here ( ‘ is treated as having a separate deposit ’ ) is different from subsection ( 3 ) ( ‘ treated as entitled to the deposit ’ ) , but in my view the intended effect is clear and is the same in both cases .
7 As we saw , permissive trends in today 's culture are in part derived from a one-sided and shallow apprehension of Freudian ideas ; but in my view the situation has not been improved by one major distortion of Freud 's thinking of which many analysts and nearly all writers in the social sciences who have used psychoanalytic ideas have been guilty .
8 These were magnificent , but in my eyes the men were even finer , with their dark , hollow cheeks , taut , slim bodies in tight-fitting black corduroys that vividly outlined their considerable sexual equipment .
9 Obviously many arts teachers are not entirely happy that the arts are examined at all , but in my interviews the majority of teachers were generally happier now that the new examination had replaced the old system — the most obvious benefit being the removal of the need to discriminate between the two former examinations .
10 But in my judgment the decision of this House in O'Reilly v. Mackman [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 237 establishes the law in the sense that I have stated .
11 He concluded : ‘ But in my judgment the powers to seize and retain are conferred for the better performances of public functions by public bodies and can not be used to make information available to private individuals for their private purposes . ’
12 Consideration there must still be but in my judgment the courts nowadays should be more ready to find its existence so as to reflect the intention of the parties to the contract where the bargaining powers are not unequal and where the finding of consideration reflects the true intention of the parties .
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